I like the idea, but I see some problems.
What about the large contingent of people who come here from overseas to work for a few years?
They would pay no tax and then leave the country.
I don't know if you could bring in a law saying that the €10k applies to Irish resident and domiciled individuals only.
Maybe like the help-to-buy, people would have to work for say 3 years and could then start claiming.
But you would have to earn about €55k before your tax contributions hit €10k, so it would mean a lot of people not paying any income tax for many years. A big hit to the exchequer. I'm sure it would be potentially inflationary too.
I completely get the arguments of children living at home, carers, children with disabilities, etc. and they should absolutely be protected and provided for. But the majority of inheritances are surely not in these circumstances.
As I said above, the €110k relief given is equivalent to about 20 years of tax take on the average wage. I find that astonishing and I wonder do people realise that this is what we are gifting to people who are lucky enough to get a windfall?