Evergreenfund Bank of Ireland

As for you two lunatics Johnnygman and Mercman thanks for your advice but I didn't want to read all about you arguing like kids at each other grow up.

scowlard, I extend my apologies to you for hijacking your thread snd for having an on line argument, Frustration is seeping in from my part !! I wish yiu well with your endeavours.
scowlard, I extend my apologies to you for hijacking your thread snd for having an on line argument, Frustration is seeping in from my part !! I wish yiu well with your endeavours.


You have my sympathies, your "pal" needs to lay of the coffee ....
It would seem he is your "pal" dub with that kind of stupid closing comment to something which has been cleared up and left at that.
There is little point in turning AAM into a Battleground between parties that do not know each other. Sometime, someplace and somewhere this debacle will be history.
It's pretty obvious that many people read these posts. I have received a mail this morning that the legal department wil revert to me in a few days with answers to my queries. Not bad for over two years waiting.
I went to Bank of Irleland with a lump sum. Put it into my account. Was harrassed on a weekly basis until I agree to invest. Made it clear that I had no income, facing major surgeries and no pension. Could not afford to lose any of it. I eventually could resist the hard sell no longer. It was put into Evergreen S9, Innovator S9,Global Equity. 2 days ago I realised that half of my money was gone. I understood it was in for 5-6 years and was guaranteed. I am devastated. Should I cut my losses and pull the lot or sit tight?
I understood it was in for 5-6 years and was guaranteed.

Does any of your the paperwork you received mention any of these matters. You will need to check all of your papers and if you have a trail you could have a case for mis-selling. The manner in which the BoI sell their Investment products leaves an awful lot to be desired. Did you manage to obtain an Allocation Bonus or reduced Management Charges for the lump sum investments ? Moving forward nothing goes down forever although we are in pretty difficult times at present. Without knowing your age profile, it is pretty difficult to form a direct opinion as to where you go next.
I am 55. Told them at the time I knew nothing about investments. Stressed i need no or low risk. Didn't read the mountain of paperwork they sent me. What's an Alocation Bonus and i think I paid the normal management fees. It was never mentioned
Well just to put you in a correct picture, BoI LIfe are Tied Agents of New Ireland. Now for investments over €100 k, it is offered through ordinary non associated brokers an allocation Bonus of up to 3% and reduced Management Charges of 0.5% at least which should have been explained to you.

Tara, you will have to go through each piece of paper and if they harrassed you pass the matter to the Financial Services Ombudsman. I know exactly what you are going through. New Ireland do have good fund Managers but their sales tactics are a disgrace.
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Thanks for that. Will find out about that and wade through the paperwork.
Any advice on should I cut my losses now while I still have something or sit tight? What would you do ? (I know you can't see into the future but I need guidance)
Again without knowing your personal circumstances it is very difficult to comment. My own view is that the Equity markets will make a recovery towards the end of this year. The UK and Ireland are ina worse position and will take longer. So basically if you have no immediate requirement for the money hang on would be my opinion.