Duke of Marmalade
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PS salaries capped at 100k, same thingHow would this be so under SF?
PS salaries capped at 100k, same thingHow would this be so under SF?
PS salaries capped at 100k, same thing
SoConsider SF's taxation policy. Private Sector earners would be taxed at 58% on incomes over 100k whilst Public Sector earners would be taxed at 100%. Taxation and most important things are not within the Stormont remit so the Northern experience is not relevant.
And that's a critical point in the context of SF already being in Government. They have no taxation powers and no other real power either.(The North situation should be completely ignored in this context. That is not a voluntary coalition of like minded parties but a legally enforced sharing of rather limited powers; the reasons for such a bizarre formula are historic.)
FF/FG coalitions? why not sure there is no real difference between them! same old twiddly dee twiddly dom middle of the road tired policies. however I cant see the new wave of young voters buying into it..they want change, not more of the same rubbish!
And another thing. Did you notice that SF got nearly 20% 1st prefs in the Euros and only 15% in the locals. And it was broadly the same 51% of the electorate which voted. This says that a very significant number of those who voted them for the pointless EP didn't trust them with any real power albeit local.
Similarly LMF tops an EP poll in MNW but I presume that even the people of MNW would not be this silly if they thought he would get some real power over their lives.
The difference is big, too big to be purely random. Either some systemic bias as you suggest or an actual bias in voter's attitudes to the two polls, as I suggest. My understanding (I didn't vote) is that a typical situation is that a voter would mark the two ballot papers at broadly the same time. Clearly a lot of voters marked SF No 1 in the Euro ballot and then turned to their local ballot and marked someone else No 1 despite the existence of SF candidates. I don't think the number of candidates is relevant here, we are talking about party first preferences.It is possible that the discrepancy in the percentage votes is partially a reflection of the granularity of the elections. The relationship between the number of candidates you are choosing from in local elections and European elections is at least 2 orders of magnitude (i.e. thousands of candidates as opposed to tens).
So it has finally come to this - FF and FG falling over themselves to get into bed with SF, god help us Grizzly is even playing hard to get.
A great majority of people in this country are even more adamant that they do not want SF in power than they are passionate about who they do want.
A majority nonetheless. Ask the people "do you want to exclude party X from government at all costs?". SF would leave the rest for dead in that contest. FG in particular have grossly overreacted in making the decision to let SF out of quarantine. Let's get real about what happened. 0 to 3 Euros sounds impressive - but a seismic shift? I don't think so.I don't think that majority is as great as you think.