Estimates of Receipts and Expenditure for 2025 published

I like it but the Pyramids have wide bases, Irish tax receipts do not.
The concern that Ireland relies on a small number of taxpayers for a significant part of its tax receipts is reasonable. Who are these large taxpayers. Among the largest tax payers in Ireland (2021) are 1 Apple 2 Microsoft 3 Google 4 Pfizer 5 Merck Sharpe and Dohme.

These are among the largest companies in the world, with a good spread between Tech, Pharma, Med Devices and Head Office Services. Much better to be taxing the world's largest companies than, well than anything else.

Of course in time some of these companies will fall away, but Ireland's success in attracting them in the first place suggests that we are well positioned to continue to attract their successors.

The one thing that might stop us is our failing infrastructure. With a successful economy building infrastructure is difficult and expensive. Waiting until our economy decays due to the bottle necks and then building when there are lots of unemployed labourers hanging about is well, nonsense.
Here is my summary of the document.

We are spending €10 billion more than we are taking in in tax when you strip out the windfalls. Or a deficit of about €6 billion if you strip out the transfer to the Future Ireland Fund.

Do you think we are likely to earn a lower return on the Future Ireland Fund than the cost of our debt ?