Estate tax clearance certificate - query status as named beneficiary


Registered User
Is there any avenue, as a named beneficiary of a will, to request the tax clearance certificate status of an estate that has long completed probate?

I am aware that the probate office will provide copies of other documents, and I have used that service.

I am also aware that queries can be made through a TAIN account, but I am not a professional in this area and this option is not available to me.

(I could ask the executor, but the executor has proven to be untruthful and hostile to enquiries.)

Thank you.
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I am not being assessed for tax myself.

The beneficiaries have been told by the executor that distribution of the estate is held up by just one issue: that Revenue have not released a tax clearance certificate for the estate.

I would like to confirm this for myself.

My previous requests for other documents from the probate office have revealed that some previous statements by the executor were not truthful.
You should ask the executor why tax clearance has not yet issued, and pressurise them into resolving this.

In the meantime there is no real way to prove that no tax clearance certificate has been released.
"pressurise them into resolving this"

What do I need to do so that the executor is required by law to resolve the tax clearance without further delay?
"What do I need to do so that the executor is required by law to resolve the tax clearance without further delay?"

This is most likely outside your control. But it doesn't stop you asking the executor to get a move on.