Engagement Rings - Advice and Summary

Sue Ellen

There have been many useful posts on engagment rings but there have also been a range of posts which we suspect to have been advertising. This thread summarises all available information. Any further threads on engagment rings will be closed and referenced back to this key post.

Any suspicious responses to this thread will be deleted.

Very interesting articles:

The Guardian: How to buy a diamond ring

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Jewellers recommended previously on AAM

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Field's Jewellers

Goldfinger's Jewellers (Vincent o'Neill)

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Weir and Sons

Custom made and repairs

Goldfingers, South Anne St., Dublin 2. Phone: 01-6714203

Osbornes, 74, Middle Abbey St., Dublin 1. Phone: 01-8726608

[broken link removed]http://www.fast-fix.ie/ (repairs only)



Other destinations mentioned for purchasing:

Hatton Gardens London

How much to spend?

How long is a piece of string? Some people seem to think a month's salary would be the appropriate amount (gross or net :confused:) but many would also say, that like a lot of these things, it's the thought that counts and money should not be the important factor.



Auction rooms


Cubic zirconia

Pawn Brokers

Previous AAM Threads:

Engagement rings


Some gems (sorry) of advice from previous AAM threads:

"The first place they mentioned is the one I bought in - O'Connors of Harold Cross, and I was very pleased. They should easily get something there within their €2,000 budget, as the prices they charge are 50% of the figures marked on their rings (The recommended retail price). They are a wholesalers, hence the 50% discount. They can do any adjustments there also or manufacture there. I found them very helpful and courteous, and they were not pushing dearer rings in any way. They asked what price range we would like to look at at the beginning, and stuck to this."

"Be sure to ask for a discount when you have decided on the ring for you,we got 400 euro discount from Fields on Grafton st .We were laughing when we came out as we had read a newspaper article earlier that week to be sure to ask for discount ! So we chanced our arm and the girl dropped 400 euro in one go".


"Another option to asking for a cash discount and has been mentioned previously on AAM you can avail of Fields privilege card"


"Here's one way to cut the cost...........

When it came to the payment............

Whipped out my ESB Rewards card = 20% Discount. Any ESB customer can get one if you pay by direct debit. Alternatively, you can get the same discount with a Countdown card (available from various banks, colleges, etc).

Then I whipped out my Bonus Bonds which Fields also accept. If your working and earn bonuses, your employer can pay your bonus in the form of bonus bonds or gift vouchers, which is very tax efficient"


Had a lovely time at Osbournes on Abbey St. They let us design our own and were upfront and realistic about cost, time and design, no bait and switch. I got my engagement ring to "sit into" the wedding band. I get compliments on it all the time

There's a new thing on the confetti.ie site called "Pink Pages" that has a directory of jewellers. It's handy because you can search by county.
Hi, I'm looking for information on selling a diamond engagement ring. I have all the papers and it was purchased in Applebys. Unfortunately for me the ring was only worn for about 3 months as things went horribly wrong. Years later I'm spring cleaning and could do with raising some extra cash. I am reluctant to go to pawn brokers to get a fraction of what the ring is worth. Can you advise me on how I might go about selling it?
Any pointers greatly appreciated!
Washington - and Engagement Rings

Hi all....

I am travelling to Washington in a few weeks and I am thinking of buying an engagement ring while there... Does anyone know a reputable jewler in DC that they could recommend....

I also have been looking through two websites http://www.bluenile.com (www.bluenile.com) and www.1800marryme.com (great name!) and was wondering if anyone has had any dealing with either of these websites. I don't think I will buy something of this value on line though.

Thanks for any input

PS - I know the VAT implications of buying in the USA
Re: Washington - and Engagement Rings

If you are spending a large amount it would be worth considering internal flights to NY as i'd say it would be hard to beat the prices you would get in the diamon district in manhattan
Hi.. has anyone any experience of buying an engagement ring in Cape Town? Any advice greatly appreciated...
Re: Engagement rings in South Africa

No info on costs in Cape Town, but if you can et up to Kimberley to the De Beers shop at the Big Pit you should get a good deal. (Or at least you could 10 years ago!)
haniken in new york engagement ring?

have booked a surprise 4 day trip to new york in may with the girlfriend and planning to get engaged over there.... but i want to buy the ring myself before i ask her. i need advice on where to go and what type of ring to get! i keep hearing that haniken and son in new york is the place to go, can anyone confirm this? my budget is about $3000, will i be able to get a ring that she will be happy with for this amount - i read a post which said $3000 should get a ring worth about €5000 here. is this true? i cant afford any more than this but really want her to have the best. what should i ask for or look for, i dont know what she would like and obviously dont want to ask without giving away the surprise. :confused: also as i know nothing about rings, how will i know i'm not getting ripped off? :eek:
Re: haniken in new york engagement ring?

...what type of ring to get ...really want her to have the best... i dont know what she would like ... i know nothing about rings... :eek:

in all honesty I think you should let your soon-to-be fiancee choose the ring.. i know you want it to be a surprise.. but maybe you could buy a toy/cheap ring.. and after she says yes.. go and get the real deal?

trying on engagement rings (and getting one!) was one of the most fun parts of getting engaged for me... really fun & exciting.. and some places even give you champagne & chocolates & the VIP treatment

you could quietly tell the assistant what ur price range is (say $2000-$2500 and then uv wiggle room).. if you dont want your lady to know what you spent

good luck!
We got ring from a South African diamond company in Johannesburg, www.diamondsource.co.za
We corresponded by email and skype on design and price.
Got them to also make .5ct pendant from a certified diamond for a pressie for my wife. They were very negiotable on price and easy to deal with.
We got married in South Africa but It would pay to actually fly to Johannesburg and pick it up. You can reclaim the VAT at the airport on the way home also.
All I will say is that it is much cheaper and well worth it. To mail it may be hassle as it would have to be insured and pay duty here.
Just a different option.
We recently bought engagement ring in New York!!! Name of shop was Treasurly by Dima - address is 586 5th Ave (at 47th St - just at start of diamond district). It had been recommended by a colleague who also bought there. I found them really brilliant and would highly recommend. Also friends recommended Hanikens and also James & co (580 5th Ave-just around the corner from Treasurly)
54 red pm me if you want any more details!
I would agree with previous poster about letting your g/f pick the ring herself - a lot of things I thought I would love looked awful on!!! Congrats btw - you both will have a ball in NY celebrating!

I am just wondering do you know of anywhere you can sell a second hand engagement ring in Ireland, have a genuine dealer valuation also so should be easy enough to sell.
If it should be easy enough to sell then why not sell it?

Some jewellers around the side streets off Grafton st who may take it from you but at a loss. I reckon they are the only one who would buy it.
Thanks for that, have rang a few places in Dublin but they dont seem to be keen on second hand rings, they are basically saying they cannot get rid of what they have never mind a second hand one!!! :(
From a value perspective I thought it was worth mentioning here that Tesco Club Card vouchers can be used in a couple of Jewellers

Walker & Hall in Liffey Valley
Bernard John in Arklow, Athlone, Maynooth & Swords

for every €10 in Tesco Club Card Vouchers, you get €40 euro in jewellery vouchers.

Purchase must be over €300.

Does not mention a limit on vouchers, probably best to check with the actual shop.

Bought an expensive telly with 50% cash back in vouchers a couple of years ago and got €500 in Tesco Club Card Vouchers.
€500 x 4 = €2,000 in jewellery vouchers (or am I missing something)

Link: http://www.tesco.ie/clubcarddeals/default.htm?osadcampaign=LB6
Just got an engagement ring with Appleby Jewellers have to say it was a positive experience. One tip though don't except their first price mention the area you and your g/f works in you could be surprised. I know I was, the online stores didn't even come close to matching their final price.

DO you meant hey gave discounts based on your job sector? was it a saving based on a relationship with another company or a specific sector? Any other info would be great. Thanks
Anyone have experience of going over to Antwerp and purchasing an Engagement ring there.

I am wondering how long it takes from selecting the exact ring and having it properly fitted. Don't want to go over a rush the selection of the ring. Also does one get GIA Certs for the diamond? I note the people recommend getting rings independants validated in New York - is it the done thing to do like wise in Antwerp

I had been thinking about going to New York to purchase but think that if there are any problems in the future it would be easier to head to ANtwerp for the w/e as opposed to NY - if any one has done so in the past i'd appreciate you advise/tips/suggestions

thanks M
Girlf - best of luck with that the trip.

I think the otherhalf is looking for a standard solitaire ring but it might be advisable to contact a few of the jewellers - see what they have - decide and go back two three weeks later to collect - i would afriad that if i was only talking to one jeweller then you are somewhat obliged to go with him - then again it is a big transaction!
Bought mine in Rock's jewelers (the branch in Stillorgan, not grafton St.) there the other day.

Mighty impressed :)

No connection, just a happy (broke...!!) bunny