employers stories of poor employees?


Registered User
OK. we have seen numerous threads on here from employees giving out their employers, poor/no bonus's, no pay rises etc. Well what about employers stories of poor employees? I have some; (note we are a professional services firm and deal with the public all the time)

1) one employee sits at his computer from 1 until 2 eating luch and surfing the net. Come 2 o clock he goes to the toilet for a 10 minute break.......... (dont worry he no longer does this)
2) At his annual wage review in september one emplyee was looking for more money that was offered and argued his case for more (€1,000 in the difference) he lives at hoem with his parents. he said things had "changed at home"Naturally i was worried and asked if everything was ok and he said things had just changed. Since then he has gone on his annual holidays which was 2 weeks in portugal, and he has been away for weekend in Belfast, paris and newcastle since SEPTEMBER!!
3) another employee came in three days in a row without shaving. asked him why and he said he has a skin condition.... he was told the next time he came in not shaved he would be sent home for the day and he has always been shaved since then - i know i am mean.
4) we are based outside clondalkin in a business park. one employee was asked to drive to navan to work - he had no idea where this was and had to borrow a sat nav. the same employee was working in Mountjoy square for a week last yera and had to get directions back this year. Also he need to get directions to Glasnevin.
i am sure there are plenty more like this out there..........
Re: poor employees

OK. we have seen numerous threads on here from employees giving out their employers, poor/no bonus's, no pay rises etc. Well what about employers storiesof poor employees? I have some;


Good story
Re: poor employees

1) one employee sits at his computer from 1 until 2 eating luch and surfing the net. Come 2 o clock he goes to the toilet for a 10 minute break.......... (dont worry he no longer does this)

You may be the boss but I hope you're writing this in your lunch hour and not on company time! Must run to the loo.
Re: poor employees

I'm sure someone in one of our state bodies is reading this post and wonders how many rules viztopia is breaking by posting stories of his employees.

But than again, they might all be on the WC right now.
Re: poor employees

1: Carried out Health and Safety assessements with my night shift, one of the "issues" they flagged on there was no natural light..........

2: I banned mobile phone calls in the office except in an emergency. Had to ban people from getting up from their desk and walking up and down the corridors instead

3: Took on a South Dublin Princess for a role and on Day 2, after she dropped something on the floor she told her supervisor that she "didn't do picking up". Let's just say we decided soon afterwards that she was not compatible with the job
Re: poor employees

I heard of an employee that thought it was justified flying over to the U.S. first class at the employers expense and then charging hundreds of euros worth of expenses including rounds of golf, all in the name of their job.

They got what was coming to them, 300k sendoff and a nice 100k pension for life. That oughta teach them ! ! !
Re: poor employees

What's the problem with this? Did you hire him on the basis that he claimed to have the 'the knowledge' or something? Is he not allowed ask directions, or did his taking time to do so negatively impact your bottom line?
Re: poor employees

What has this persons personal life/living arrangements/holidays have to do with you or whether or not they get the raise they asked for ?

Glad I don't work for you if these are the defining factors come pay-rise negotiations !
Re: poor employees

What has this persons personal life/living arrangements/holidays have to do with you or whether or not they get the raise they asked for ?

Glad I don't work for you if these are the defining factors come pay-rise negotiations !

Irrespective of what the personal circumstances of the employee were, they should never make a payrise into a personal issue (ie make it a moral obligation on the employer to fullfill the requirements of their lifestyle).

Payrise should be mainly about what you deserve for the work you have done and what a company pays in relation to other employees.
Re: poor employees

what i was getting at here was that some one would stoop so low to suggest that they had problems at home to get more money/wages and then go on a two week holiday and three weekends away in the space of two months. obviously this seems fine with you!!!
Re: poor employees

I agree, but the issue the OP seems to have is the quality of life that the employee has, which is none of his business unless it affects their work.
If his work is deserving of the extra payrise, then it should be of no importance if the employee has a weekend away 50 times a year.
Re: poor employees

What's the problem with this? Did you hire him on the basis that he claimed to have the 'the knowledge' or something? Is he not allowed ask directions, or did his taking time to do so negatively impact your bottom line?

my issue here would be that the employee is a bit dim and Navan is only about 1 and a half hours from here. i woudl expect him to use some initiative and look on a map or the internet for directions. its not as if i asked him to drive to cork or limerick which is a good bit away. for gods sake its only and hour and a half away and he had never heard of it. (i dont want some smart ass coming on here now slagging of navan)
Re: poor employees

that is not the issue of my post. my issue was that some one would stoop so low as to claim they had problems at home in order to get a pay rise and then go away for two weeks holidays and three weekends away......
Re: poor employees

he said things had just changed.

suggest that they had problems at home to get more money

Maybe they'd changed...just changed, not necessarily for the better or worse.
Your job as an employer is to judge them on their performance and reward then suitably.
You appear to think you've been hoodwinked when all I can see is that you gave someone a payrise and they've made the most of it by taking a few trips abroad (possibly booked well in advance and on cheap flights, staying in cheap accommodation/hostel etc, therefore not costing a lot). Why do you have a problem with this ? It seems to me that this will be remembered by you come next payrise time and may well have a bearing on what happens at that time.
Re: poor employees

thanks for all the replies but i think a lot of them are a brilliant expamle of people been too polically correct and . call me a backwards ejit or someone that belongs in the dark ages but if an employee of mine will not dress appropriatley or present themselves in a professional way then they will be employees no more. its time that people in this country got real and woke up. the amount of red tape and form filling that has to be completed to take account of something is ridicilous.
i know of a builder who sacked an employee two years ago and he has to defend himself against three governement bodies. the only one that is defending him is teh solicitor that he is paying!!
Re: poor employees

Viztopia, do you allow any facial hair at all ? Goatee, 'Elvis' sideburns, full beard etc. ?
Re: poor employees

yes. we would have no problem with facial hair. we have a problem with employees not shaving because they are too lazy!!
Re: poor employees

There are some, Vistopia, that would regard it extremly lazy and "dim" not to use a capital letter at the begining of a sentence. Just as well you're self employed huh!