Electricity Provider (Yuno) not showing meter readings on bill

So much about making things easier with a smart reader.
I am sticking to my analogue meter as long as they let me have it!
Even in losstheplot' s example that's only 6 readings in total
I don't see how that's the case - unless the smart meter has three different readings for the different time of day usages? (Like the way the old day/night Nightsaver meters or the equivalent on a smart meter works?)
I think this is the reason. I've 3 tariffs, peak, off-peak and night boost. I get the usage for each one. Getting the actual reading would mean having 3 starts and ends for each day, so approx 90 readings for a month. When the smart meter was configured as Day/Night, I had meter readings.
If you only have a bog standard meter , Leo you can check your readings very simply any time by opening up the meter box door and actually reading what 's a fixed number(s) staring out at you whereas with the new smart meters it can be much more difficult to know what reading is which. It can be quite complicated for some people, which is very unfair.
Head outside in the rain, then try find where I wrote the last reading down? No thanks, I'll just look at it in WAY more details from the couch on my phone!

I'm not saying that they changed the regulations since the introduction of smart meters
That was my point, don't blame smart meters for a regulator decision that predated them.
I don't see how that's the case - unless the smart meter has three different readings for the different time of day usages? (Like the way the old day/night Nightsaver meters or the equivalent on a smart meter works?)
Yes , I've said this in my previous posts. It is EXACTLY the same as the old Nightsaver meters. There are three different readings for losstheplot's smart meter. There is no reason why the supplier should not show the three opening and three closing reads on the bill.

Leo: Head outside in the rain, then try find where I wrote the last reading down? No thanks, I'll just look at it in WAY more details from the couch on my phone!

Hard to help you so I suppose , Leo. Maybe wait for the rain to stop and maybe take a photo of the reads instead of using a pen and paper ?
Hard to help you so I suppose , Leo. Maybe wait for the rain to stop and maybe take a photo of the reads instead of using a pen and paper ?
I don't need help, I have all my usage available broken down into 30 minute periods, all available to download to my phone or PC. Heading out to the meter to get anywhere close to that level of detail just isn't feasible.