I test drove a good few, i didn’t like the VW touchscreen, in ID3 & ID4, but thats just me, prefer a non touch screen setup, or even a mixture. I suppose one gets used to it over time. I came very close to buying a new ID3 last year, but went for a 1 year old i3 in the end. Herself, has the bigger car & range- Kia E-Niro.
Youre spot on with the waiting list for new EV’s, it seems to be getting progressively worse, and there is a very limited selection of used EV’s, of the newer models like ID3,/4, Kia E-Niro, bar the entry level EV’s like Zoe, & Leaf etc.
3 year PCP deals, also has a big impact on used availability, so as EV volumes only really shot up, in 2021, most of these, won’t be back on the market until 2024.