election 2020 trump v who

Not sure whether you are pulling my leg. The point I was making is that Wolfie understandably queries why HC is 120 on Betfair when she is not even challenging for the nomination. I was pointing out that Pence is less than half those odds at 48 even though the GOP are not even running a contest for the nomination. Both odds can be explained by considering that 8 months is relatively long for the elderly front runners.
Yes, I was trying to... but it didn't work.
And Mike Pence is 48.

Now at 32.
Ive taken another €6 @ 60 for HC pushing her price into 55, in from 120.

Notably, these are shallow markets - not much money at stake so dramatic price changes are not unusual, or hard to engineer.
My big outside bet was on Tulsi Gabbard who is now out to 1,000. Interestingly, she refuses to quit and is campaigning to be allowed on the debate stage with Biden and Sanders.
Turns out she was a fraud along, endorsing Biden!-
I think people on the Democrat side need to be seen to unite as Biden was always the only candidate who had any chance of beating Trump, slim though it may be. Trump certainly hoped for Sanders as he know he'd walk it against such a left wing candidate.

Having been in the US recently and having talked to a large number of business people in a couple of States it is remarkable how many people strongly dislike Trump the person but support his economic policies and in the end that's what most people vote on. It is also striking just how much bureaucracy AMerican businesses face. Between Federal, State, county and city licences and regulations small businesses, maybe 15-20 people, could have 1-2 staff working full.time just interacting with officialdom. They will vote for the person who says that they will lighten that load.
Is there a legal process to possible stall an election if the virus is a full tilt when it comes time to vote.
Is there a legal process to possible stall an election if the virus is a full tilt when it comes time to vote.

As far as I know - elections aren't determined at a Federal level. They are state run and managed. States can (and do) have postal voting. I'm not sure if some States have a method other than general voting to select electors. Remember - the president isn't directly elected by popular vote. He is elected by a college whose members represent each state. So the President (or Senate) don't run the process.

The Senate might determine when the college meets I think
I expect Trump to lose.
Pre-coronavirus I thought he might just shade it over Biden.
One of those what ifs of history...
I would have thought Trump was there for the taking, but I can't understand the appeal of Biden, and worse Kamala Harris.
I think Trump will wipe the floor with both of them in debates. Not because of substance of argument, just sheer brass-neck lies and put-downs.
I would have thought Trump was there for the taking, but I can't understand the appeal of Biden, and worse Kamala Harris.
I think Trump will wipe the floor with both of them in debates. Not because of substance of argument, just sheer brass-neck lies and put-downs.

The debates will be sth alright but wouldnt it be Pence v Harris?
Is there a VP debate?
The debates will be sth alright but wouldnt it be Pence v Harris?
Is there a VP debate?

Yes, correct. I just have this eerie feeling that Biden won't make it to November, and the path is paved for Harris. Just a hunch, mind.
Ok, re-reading my comment I can see how it can imply something sinister, I will re-phrase - I just have this eerie feeling that Bidens cognitive decline will pave the way ultimately for Harris to be the defacto commander-in-chief, if not by November, then not too long into the term of the new administration. :)
Ok, re-reading my comment I can see how it can imply something sinister, I will re-phrase - I just have this eerie feeling that Bidens cognitive decline will pave the way ultimately for Harris to be the defacto commander-in-chief, if not by November, then not too long into the term of the new administration. :)

As he is 77 that was how I interpreted your comment, health related, nothing sinister.
I would have thought Trump was there for the taking, but I can't understand the appeal of Biden, and worse Kamala Harris.
I think Trump will wipe the floor with both of them in debates. Not because of substance of argument, just sheer brass-neck lies and put-downs.
What's the alternative?
People don't like Trump but vote for him based on the spin and lies and the fact that the USA enjoyed unprecedented economic growth during him tenure. How much of that was down to him is certainly open to debate.
Biden is likable and very middle ground. That, and the fact that he's not Trump, is the attraction.
The only other real option was Bernie Sanders. He was loved by his supporters but deeply disliked by most Americans. They also disliked his economic policies. The reality is that anyone who voted for Bernie will vote for Biden but lots of swing voters would vote for Trump instead of Bernie.