Health Insurance Elderly person on old plan B


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My mother aged 84 ( living Dublin) has been on plan B VHI for years. Payments deducted monthly from work pension. I would like to get advice re better option for her. Preferably with VHI. She doesn’t want to reduce her cover - semi private in private hospitals . Her only existing condition was treated bons or Beacon. Won’t need orthopedic particularly (unless emergency) . Never had cardiac problems. Doesn’t claim back for gp visits etc except through revenue. I’d need to know that new plan would cover her as well as old one as I’d hate her to feel she’s less insured after all these years of high premiums.
A lot of people switched from Plan B to Laya Simplicity which is €117 a month.

Not saying that plan is optimal for you but it has very good cover including full cover for Beacon.
I’m afraid she wants to stay with VHI . Not best option I’m sure but just wondering if they have a corporate plan with similar cover?
Hi Xraylady,

The nearest corporate plan would be VHI PMI 07 10, price 1240pa. Details as follows;

1. VHI PMI 07 10; price 1240pa; all public hospitals, all private(including Bons Secours and Beacon), and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered. As corporate
plans have an excess, the private hospital inpatient excess is capped at 150 x 1 max per year for all private or hi-tech hospital admissions(regardless
of how many in a year). Day case excess in private or hi-tech hospitals 50 per procedure. There is good day to day cover included, 50% refund
for gp visits, consultant visits, physio, optical etc. She can claim a refund for these expenses from VHI (post in form upto a month after renewal date) and then also claim a refund from revenue for the remaining 50% not refunded from VHI.
There is 80% cover for orthopaedic surgery in private or hi-tech hospitals on this plan, but it is fully covered in the Blackrock Clinic Dublin.
You said this surgery(hip or knee replacement surgery) would probably not be required, except in an emergency that would mean a public hospital which is fully covered. If this surgery was done in Beacon or Bons Secours, there would be a 20% shortfall which could cost 2k -3k per surgery.
All other surgery is fully covered in these hospitals.
(Just to mention for others outside Dublin reading this, Whitfield Private Clinic Waterford and Kingsbridge Private hospital Sligo are not covered on this
plan). This would not affect your mother as she is based in Dublin.

For alternative VHI plans, not corporate plans, that fully cover orthopaedic surgery in private hospitals, the following 2 plans are worth considering.
Similar cover to old plan B, except they also have an excess attached. Details as follows;

2. VHI Health Access; price 1756pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered. Excess of 125 per admission and per day case procedure
in private or hi-tech hospitals. No excess applies in any public hospital. Day to day cover included refund of 60 per consultant visit, 25 gp visit, but
the first 100 not refundable.

3, VHI Healthplus Excess; price 1879pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered. Excess of 75 per admission and per day case procedure
in private or hi-tech hospitals. No excess applies in any public hospital. Day to day cover included refund of 60 per consultant visit, 25 gp visit, but
the first 100 not refundable.

I included Laya Simplicity just for comparison purposes. This plan also fully covers a private room in the Beacon and Bons Secours hospitals as well
as all other private hospitals. This is an extra not covered on the other 3 plans above.

Regards, Snowyb
Thanks so much. Appreciate reply .