Eircom Apprentice recruitment Ads.


Registered User
Eircom have started advertising to recruit 50 Apprentices. They are using an image depicting a male and a female employee on their webmail login page as part of this campaign. The female in the picture has electrical cables wound fairly tightly around her neck. I would imagine that this is a breach of workplace Health and safety Regulations.
The male in the picture is operating a laptop computer and appears to be technically skilled. The female is standing with nothing in her hands and appears to be only required to act as a cable drum. The slogan " jump start your career" is used alongside the picture. Are eircom suggesting that the male is jump-starting the female with the jump leads around her neck ? Does anybody think that the female in this picture is depicted as being less skilled and intelligent than her male colleague. I think this image is sexist and encouraging unsafe work practice.
I had a look at the ad and don't think it sexist? Would it be sexist to have it the other way around? Would you prefer to have 2 men in the ad or would that imply that women are excluded from Eircom?

[broken link removed]

I remember an executive from Lever Bros (or similar) saying a few years ago that when they have ads with the woman doing the washing they got complaints about sexism and when they had ads with men doing the washing they got complaints about not being realistic.
Yes if it was the other way around it would be sexist making the man appear inferior and not capable of working safely.
I would not prefer having two people of the same sex as it might imply that the employer was excluding one gender as you have suggested. I feel that the ad is sexist as one gender is depicted as being inferior alongside the other. In this case the female is made to look inferior. In the ads you refer to the issue is gender stereotyping rather than sexism as one gender is not shown as inferior alongside the other.
It's better to nip this kind of thing in the bud before it leaves mental scars on the next generation of 'career women' (whatever that is).
Consider making a complaint and then think about it, and then don't. That's my advice anyway.
It's better to nip this kind of thing in the bud before it leaves mental scars on the next generation of 'career women' (whatever that is).
Consider making a complaint and then think about it, and then don't. That's my advice anyway.

I couldn't disagree more. I say take this all they way to the top. Never stop in your fight to stop this immorality. If we have to storm the Dail we will.
It only looks like "one gender is depicted as being inferior alongside the other" to the person that is looking at the image.

Does this not say more about them?
I looked at the ad. There is nothing wrong with it no matter whom had thecables dangling from the neck.

Great to see Eircom recruiting - I thought it was continuously shedding people.