Eir - online billing


Registered User
Anyone else having problems getting on to the eir website? Trying to get my bill online and no joy. Think it's time to go back to paper!

As usual, no customer contact form, calls not being answered etc. Even the 'report a fault' link is showing a 404 error :(
I often had an issue viewing the bill in Chrome but strangely when I logged in via IE I was able to view it fine! Is the issue you have that when you click on the bill it doesn't open it? If so what browser are you using? The customer contact form is hopeless alright and I had the same issue with report a fault. If all else fails try contacting them via twitter (but don't hold your breath there either).
Couldn't even login since early this morning.

It appears to be resolved - just tried again now and got what I wanted.

A simple banner notification would have saved a lot of irritation.
Anyone else having problems getting on to the eir website? Trying to get my bill online and no joy. Think it's time to go back to paper!

As usual, no customer contact form, calls not being answered etc. Even the 'report a fault' link is showing a 404 error :(
I always have a paper bill but its nearly too late for the payment date by the time that I receive it