Eddie Hobbs - New magazine - Anyone bought it?

The magazine's not bad. It's a great concept (like a sanatised AAM in print) and I think it will do well. The price is reasonable, about the same as "De Echo" is you subscribe for the year. However, there are _way_ too many pictures of Eddie Hobbs though (even though he is a handsome man like all us Corkonians).

That sums it up --sanitised is the perfect term. I didn't buy it by the way, had a scan in my local newsagents (EH would be proud, saved myself 2.95!).

No possibility that this publication will come down strongly on the side of the perils facing Irish overseas property investors for instance. I would be very surprised to see an expose of the "guaranteed rental" scam in Bulgaria for example. Given that Diarmuid Condon is writing for the magazine, probably not much chance that he will offend the advertisers in other publications where he makes his living.

Yes, sanitised, and useless, would be my opinion. Maybe it will improve.
Eddie Hobbs is an entertainer, dispensing financial advise in a feel good and light hearted manner.A lot of financial journalism gives "balanced reporting".....such as ...yeah its great to buy a holiday property in the sun,but make sure you don`t pay over the odds or some other caveat.
The problem is that...that is a very big "but" and sure caveats go in one ear and out the other.
It is much easier to be indignant about stealth taxes as eddie is able to expose them one by one or restaurant charges.......for the customer no thinking is needed thank god...it`s a take it or leave it situation.
For a financial journalist/entertainer to warn the public in a serious manner about a bad property/financial investment for example is going to piss off those people with a vested interest in flogging this investment,worry those people who have already invested and annoy those people who are planning to invest by upsetting their dreams.
It`s easy to criticise eddie but if i was in his position i wouldn`t be ruffling any feathers....i am sure he informs his private clients about bad investments in no uncertain language.
Found this pretty full warning in the SBP;

[broken link removed].

Condon also warned specifically on Bulgaria here;

[broken link removed]

As you've said nobody wants to listen.
I don't read that much about overseas property, but when I did read what Diarmuid Condon had written, it seemed to be well informed and balanced.

My experience of the personal finance journalists generally, is that they are not affected by the advertising in their writing. It might be different for a property advertorial or magazine - I don't know.

I thought it was good too - I'd recommend it. I see his brother got shafted from the Credit Union body - I'd say that was a thankless number!