Sunny - Just to explain the fundamentals of leverage
80% leveraging computes to 400% as per your calculation.
For instance if you are to buy a property for 25,000 and borrow 75,000 this would equate to 75% leverage or 300%
following on from this
if you are to buy a property for 25,000 and leverage at 80% this equates to c. 125,000 or 400% on your calculation.
The point is that all these syndicates are geared at largely the same basis and therefore the fees for the annual management are all approximately the same.
As someone who has worked in corporate finance all my life maybe I haven't explained in my example well enough this point.
The reality is all these funds need to charge these fees to pay for management of the property etc. None of them are excessive.
This comment should also cover off the claim of vested interests. Simply trying to give the facts in a balance and simple way
80% leveraging computes to 400% as per your calculation.
For instance if you are to buy a property for 25,000 and borrow 75,000 this would equate to 75% leverage or 300%
following on from this
if you are to buy a property for 25,000 and leverage at 80% this equates to c. 125,000 or 400% on your calculation.
The point is that all these syndicates are geared at largely the same basis and therefore the fees for the annual management are all approximately the same.
As someone who has worked in corporate finance all my life maybe I haven't explained in my example well enough this point.
The reality is all these funds need to charge these fees to pay for management of the property etc. None of them are excessive.
This comment should also cover off the claim of vested interests. Simply trying to give the facts in a balance and simple way