Dublin City Council consultation on extending the 30 kph speed limit

I guess putting the 30kph limit makes people slow down to 50ish or below - which is probably about the appropriate speed.
If you slap a 50 sign onto it, people we'll do 80 and kill themselves...

I think that's exactly it. Problem with that though is it encourages people to look at a speed limit sign and assign their own perception of what is appropriate, and there is a lot of variation in that perception across the population. If limits were more sensibly applied, and more consistently enforced, then people (myself included) might start paying attention.
Hi Branz

To be fair it's a bit of both. Some people see only the potential penalty as a deterrent.

Many of us drive carefully out of respect for ourselves and other road users.
LOL: Laws are broken when offender is not concerned about being caught and any subsequent penalties.
Drink driving, drug driving, cell phone use, running red lights, even speeding tickets ( never got the fix charge your honour) etc etc.
Threat of punishment has very little effect on behavior. People just rationalize that they won't get caught this time.

We follow most laws because they have moral authority. If the vast majority of people think law x should not be broken, this creates a social taboo which is more powerful than formal enforcement. The "shame" campaign had a bigger effect on drink driving than years of enforcement.