Dublin City Centre-Drugs/Begging etc

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Thank you Bren for having the grace, education and open-mindedness to recognise the distinction.

Roma is a city in Italy. The correct term for this ethnic group (i.e. the ones alluded to as being dressed in flowing colourful skirts and with similarly brightly coloured heads scarves) is Rrom

Once again whilst they might be romanian citizens they just as likely might be something else, the other main groupings of them being found in Hungary and Slovakia.

Go on Truthseeker, just for a laugh hazard a guess at where you think these ladies might be from. I'm sure you'll try and finesse your way out of it but I'm betting I can read your mind!!!

At this stage I'm actually smiling in a wry kind of way. If I've introduced just one shread of doubt into any of your heads about the nationality of any of these beggars then my job here is done. Try and set aside your predjudices next time you see one and imagine them as something other than romanian citizens. You never know. They might just be!
You might try reading the original post and base your comments on that instead of trying to twist posts and turn this thread into a soapbox for something you're obviously quite bitter about.
Can you retract that statement that I was being racist?

No, I won't retract it. I'll qualify it instead. You drew a conclusion from both the way the girl was dressed and the activity she was engaged in which rang a bell in your head that she was probably romanian. This is discriminatory against one grouping of people and therefore, by definition, rascist.

Now I wish I could actually talk to you face-to-face on this issue as you will probably read my comments on your comments (if you get what I mean) as being offensive. This absolutely isn't true. I don't necessarily consider you a bad person. You've been conditioned, in large part by the media (the BBC are the very worst of the worst for their portrayal of Romania) but you must recognise that the stated inferences you drew are latently racist. Please, please think about the assumptions you make in future and the world will be a happier place.
You might try reading the original post and base your comments on that instead of trying to twist posts and turn this thread into a soapbox for something you're obviously quite bitter about.

I'm not at all bitter. At all, at all!! One particular assumption did make me think "Oh for crying out loud, not again!!" and therefore I replied to it. I know I've made my point. I hope I've provoked a little bit of soul-searching by others in the assumptions they make about other people, I know I've dragged the thread hopelessly off course and for that reason I'll withdraw now and bite me lip!

So you were just trying to provoke people? I see...
Wind it in Ancutza. As pixiebean said you're obviously looking for a soapbox to air your own views but this thread isn't the place. aristotle was nowhere near making an offensive remark about any group and in my opinion you owe him an apology but instead you just compound your slur with some pious rant!
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