Dublin City Centre-Drugs/Begging etc

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Every morning I see the same young girl (looks romanian, can't see for sure if she is)
On behalf of my romanian wife, two half-irish half-romanian daughters and well-educated, well-off extended romanian family it would be nice if you wouldn't introduce your latent racism into the debate. You could try approaching the girl in question and asking her to expose her posterior (whereupon most good romanians have an image of their passport and national flag tatooed) so that, indeed, you may 'see' and be 'sure'.

Probably the girl in question is of the Rrom ethnicity in which case she may well hold a romanian passport but equally might hold one from Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Albania or a host of other european countries.
A good few years ago, I busked on Grafton Street for a summer. One day, a young beggar lad (6-7 yr old) came up to me and told me to put the money that was on my guitar case in my pocket because peope wouldn't give me anything if they thought I had got loads already.

He was right!
That may be true DB74

I see plently of beggers in spotlessly clean white Nike runners. Or other designer label

Nicer then I have

I'm wary of opening a can of worms here but how is he being racist? Did he insult the Roma community? Not that I can see. Did he make unfounded assumptions about the Roma community? Not that I can see. For information purposes he simply stated that the beggar in question may be Romanian. The fact remains that there is a huge presence of Romanian beggars on Irish streets, as well as Irish and other nationalities, this can be seen by any person walking down any street in Ireland.
This morning she was just coming out of Insomnia with a take away coffee and making her way up to her usual spot. Nice to see she can afford the ol' latte in the mornings.

And after she drinks it she leaves the empty container on the ground along with all her other empty snack rubbish wrappings. Just walk along Nassau Street later on in the day and see all the rubbish left on the ground.
You could try approaching the girl in question and asking her to expose her posterior (whereupon most good romanians have an image of their passport and national flag tatooed) so that, indeed, you may 'see' and be 'sure'.
Maybe he already has checked her tats.

+1. Its very pc we are getting if we cant use a nationality as a descriptor. Nationality is not an indicator of race anyway.

On the subject of people of different nationalities who are well known to beg in this country, a few weeks ago I was in the local takeaway and when I came out a car had parked next to mine and as I went to get into mine I realised that the ladies in the back of the car (in full recognisable begging regalia of brightly coloured long skirts, head scarves etc...) were counting their cash. I had a good look as they were parked on my drivers side and I was absolutely shocked at the amounts in their hands. Big fat wads of 50's and 20's. I have dealt with money in a work environment and at a guess I would think they were handling at least couple of grand in cash. Seems like its a lucrative business.

At least the career beggars are not lurching around the street high on whatever they take and not knowing what they are doing.

I was in Edinburgh recently and I was quite shocked at the numbers of junkies on the main tourist streets as well. It seemed like every few paces there was another of the living dead, doing the junkie shuffle, shouting his/her head off randomly, falling about the place or asking people for money. I personally found it quite scary - you just dont know what a junkie is capable of when they want a fix.
I think the correct legal name for the offence of being drunk in public is something along the lines of "intoxicated in a public place and a danger to yourself or others..".

So it is an offence to be out of your head on alcohol in public.

Can this offence also be applied to people who are out of their heads on drugs? If not, why isnt a similar offence introduced?
So it is an offence to be out of your head on alcohol in public.

Doesnt seem like thats a law thats enforced either - ever seen city centre at pub or nightclub closing times? When Copperface Jacks lets out - there are drunks all over the street right outside the Harcourt St Garda Station.
Doesnt seem like thats a law thats enforced either - ever seen city centre at pub or nightclub closing times? When Copperface Jacks lets out - there are drunks all over the street right outside the Harcourt St Garda Station.

In fairness a lot of the people falling out of Copperface Jacks are gardai
Last Sat I went on the liffey cruise.. great little boat on the liffey with a tour guide.. but while waiting to sail off, two people man and woman around 60 yrs old LOCKED drunk at around 1pm where killing eachother, pucnhing the face off eachother all over a CAN OF BEER....... horrible to see and especially so many tourists looking on..
(Some) Roma are begging in most every city in Europe
It's only in the last few years that Ireland has experienced it

When I was in Rome last there were for sure
And when I was in a shop by Roma Tiburtina they came in with loooooads of coins to change into notes

Yeah, it's only an anecdote
But of a lot of posters are more travelled then me and would have seen the Roma long before most Irish people did

But the city where I've seen the most homeless people isn't Dublin, it's Edinburgh
Well of course says you, it's a bigger city.
Just going by what I see in the city centre, tourist areas which is what the OP started the thread on
Why do people give money to beggers? If people stopped giving begging would stop. From my limited observation it is young people who tend to give the most, maybe older people are less likely to feel guilty if they don't
Why do people give money to beggers? If people stopped giving begging would stop. From my limited observation it is young people who tend to give the most, maybe older people are less likely to feel guilty if they don't

Just from my own experience, when I was younger I did give money to beggars, after several bad experiences I just stopped (now I'm older)
I remember years ago when still a teenager and actually cared what people thought about me - I put 50p into a collection box for Simon. The collector, in his twenties, smirked and put his eyes up to heaven and like a fool I gave an extra coin. If it happened today I would fish to 50c back out again.
When I was young it was a big adventure to get Bus Eireann to go shopping in Dublin, hurray
It was a 6 hour bus trip there and back , no M7 back then I tell ya

Only went maybe twice a year.

And everytime I'd be stopped by young urchins asking for a pound for the bus. Spotting the naive culchies with no street smarts
Seemed pretty reasonable to me so I gave a punt every time

I genuinely believed them.
Until I got asked the 5th or 6th time!

No offence meant. I was only saying she looks Romanian and I am guessing that by her clothes and the way she looks. I could be wrong. Obviously that was a typo and I meant to say "I couldn't say for sure".

Why take offence, would you have an issue saying such a person looks like an indian, an italian etc etc.

At worst I am making a guess that may not be correct, but its far from racism.

Can you retract that statement that I was being racist?
Simple fact is if people would just STOP giving money to the 'Roma' (as opposed to 'Romanian' beggars - there is a big difference) surely they would pack their bags and move on as is their want anyway....
Roma are IMO lazy beggars who contribute not one iota to this country and indeed send their 'profits' from begging back to their native land and extended families.
What a non-lazy begger then?

The one who conned me in a loop station in Chicago - extremely well dressed young man in a business suit, told me his briefcase had been stolen with his wallet in it, could I spare some change for him to make a call/catch a train. I handed over a couple of dollars. I was told afterwards that the guy makes thousands pulling the same stunt all over train stations - he was SO believable!!

Thats what I call non lazy begging!
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