Drynam Hall, Kinsealy, Co. Dublin

I have used this new bus service and have found it great. You can get it from the bus stop just before the roundabout at the entrance to Feltrim Hall, over the flyover coming from Kinsealy Inn.
I can't remember the exact timings of the journey to town, but I was getting to Blackrock (dart from Connolly) within an hour of leaving Drynam.
Once through Feltrim Hall it's straight throught the port tunnel. Now that the ramps are gone in Feltrim Hall, the only bad part of the journey has been eliminated!:)
If more people use it, more services will be provided.

[broken link removed]

caveat: I've been abroad for a few weeks so hope this service is still operational! It's on the Dublin Bus site still so I am presuming it is.
:eek: ...just realised that BossHogg's question is over 1 year old!
Taken from neighbours.ie
I have to say I can understand the frustration of some residents. Menolly may be saying the right things to the press, but not all of us affected have had such successful conversations with Menolly.

We haven't heard from them in nearly 4 months, this despite being told we'd hear from them in 10 days and despite repeated phone calls that were never returned. Add to that we were told it was just a small issue and nothing to really worry about. In fact so many messages were left and never returned you have to question the old issue of "communication breakdown" and favour pure ignoring. In that four months the cracks have gotten worryingly worse and other problems have arisen. These too have been communicated to Menolly and yet again not even an acknowledgement that we exist.

We wouldn't be quite so annoyed if we had heard first from Menolly before the media got hold of the story, but we had to wait, like many, to see the extent of the problem on television and the following day's media.

None of us doubt it will be sorted, but the question is when and how. Unfortunately, we seem to be missing from the loop in terms of Menolly actually communicating with those affected.

Obviously, this isn't a trivial matter and requires extensive work to fix the problem. Given that people may have to leave their homes for 3 months, isn't it common courtesy that Menolly communicate their plans? Many residents will have young families, is it not right that they are able to plan around having to vacate their houses? What plans do we make for holidays in future or even visitors?

Having to leave your house while the ground floor is excavated is not a trivial matter and there should have been far more communication and information from Menolly than we've had."
Are Mennolly still building there or is the whole development completed?