Drynam Hall, Kinsealy, Co. Dublin

Its not Albany Homes, its Menolly.
I think Albany are involved with Abbeystone and Gorse Hill which are up the road nearer to Swords.
Drynam Hall is just off the Feltrim road before you reach the Kinsealy Inn.
A friend of mine has a house there - she has had nothing but trouble, including a leak from her water tank which ruined her newly laid floors on her ground floor. The houses were by Menolly and she found them difficult to deal with when problems did arise. She likes the general area, but says the bus service is crap, plus there are no shops within walking distance.
Tell your friend that there is a Spar shop around the corner at the Kinsealy Inn, 5 mins walk away.
Also there are some shops being built in the actual development.
I know a few people that live in Drynam and they love it and have not had any problems. Re the bus routes, unfortuntaley that is right, you would really have to drive, but in saying that they are building more estates in the general area so i would say they will put more buses and routes...
Living there myself past 2 Years. The area is excellent and is improving.The is soon to be a convienience store plus hair salon and also a creche and medical centre opening up (Buildings complete just shop fitting to be done). The will aslo be a playground opening soon. There is plenty of green spaces in the estate and neighbours really friendly I've found.A Golf Drining Range is nearing completeion across the road from the front of the estatae which will be handy for some ;) .

One slight problem may be that Albany have planning for 200 units at the back of Drynam hall. This however was inevitable as the location is quite good regarding commuting.I drive and it currently takes me 45 mins from there to Donnybrook leaving at 7.45.

Re the bus service I know that this has been vastly improved recently and you should chack out the time table for the 43.

If you need specific advice just ask.
45 minutes to Donnybrook from Drynam leaving at 7.45 is pretty impressive-is this by car or motorbike?
45 minutes to Donnybrook from Drynam leaving at 7.45 is pretty impressive-is this by car or motorbike?
TheBlock said:
I drive and it currently takes me 45 mins from there to Donnybrook leaving at 7.45.
It's the middle of the summer, bring on the September to May commute.
By Car.....Down the Malahide road around by Donaghmede shopping centre down Kilbarrack road and along the Coast to the east link (Going in and around Clontarf to avoid traffic lights) up the coast to Sydney parade.

Takes a little longer home mind you with traffic on the east link. leave at 5.30 home around 6.45 always before Emmerdale or she'd murder me.
Bluetonic said:
It's the middle of the summer, bring on the September to May commute.

Been doing it for 2 years now never gets much longer always at my desk before 9.00 with coffee in hand after dropping the Lady to work and the little fella to creche (On Site)
There's an entrance through the end of the estate you don't have to go near the fekltrim road.
jaybird said:
I think only Superman could walk from Drynam Hall to the Kinsealy Inn in 5 mins! Its not round the corner at all!

yes there is a laneway that links drynam hall and the older estate behind it (where the kinsealy inn / spar is). I had a good walk around the place and found this. only takes 5 minutes, perhaps longer for you jaybird (supergran??)
glad to help!!

however parking seems to be a bit of an issue. doesn't look like it was very well planned. Either that or there are 3 or 4 cars per house!
Yes it is communal or designated parking which fingal co council has become famous for with new estates.I think it is 2 spaces for the 4 bed , 1 for everything else.So what happens to cars visiting, houses with more than 2 cars - hence the cars up on footpaths/crammed in scenario at nighttime.
Hi my friend lives in a apartment there and the parking is ok in her block i always get parking there. Yet in the houses next to hers the have no parking. So if you pay big bucks for the 4/5 bedroom house you might be struggling to get one spot for parking. And what happens when people have visitors where do they park. Plus if a house is rented they may have more than one car.

I would say though that in the apartment you hear every door in the block opening and closing very nosey doors thats what would put me of it. Very secure though with codes in and intercom system and the hallway is always very clean. My friend has a 1 bed and it is very big and spacious.
anyone living in Drynam Hall (or general kinsealy area) / working in city centre.
what is the best route into town? any handy short cuts?