Dress code for Knock - I wonder what God would think?

I know people who are completely anti-religion make sure they they know and respect the customs when going to visit Temples and Mosques abroad. So what if the Catholic church does the same. Stay out of the Churches if you don't respect their beliefs and customs. They might be tourist sights to you but they are places of Worship to others. Least people can do is repect them.
I know people who are completely anti-religion make sure they they know and respect the customs when going to visit Temples and Mosques abroad. So what if the Catholic church does the same. Stay out of the Churches if you don't respect their beliefs and customs. They might be tourist sights to you but they are places of Worship to others. Least people can do is repect them.


Though I was a bit taken aback when I was thrown out of Vatican City for wearing a fig leaf, I'd have thought that would be ok, given all the pictures of people wearing them.

Though I was a bit taken aback when I was thrown out of Vatican City for wearing a fig leaf, I'd have thought that would be ok, given all the pictures of people wearing them.
Latrade, speaking of the same fig leaf ........... I must have overlooked in Genesis, God being really annoyed because Adam wore only a fig leaf (and a smile after spotting Eve hiding in the shrubbery) :)
Didn't hear about a dress code for Knock but it is common in Italian churches. No knees or shoulders to be exposed. I don't know why.
Sounds like Royal Ascot !
Are the RC getting their ideas from Lizzie ? :)
Sunny: "Why the hell does anyone go to Knock anyway? Best tourist scam apart from Lourdes."

Because Our Lady is supposed to have appeared there. Same with Lourdes.
Sunny: "Why the hell does anyone go to Knock anyway? Best tourist scam apart from Lourdes."

Because Our Lady is supposed to have appeared there. Same with Lourdes.

I know what the places represent. I want to know why people go to them. They are tacky. Las Vegas has more class than Lourdes.
I want to know why people go to them.

This is a difficult thing to answer I guess. For them that believe in such matters I suppose no explanation is necessary. For them that do not believe in such matters, no explanation is really possible.

As to the dress code, other posters have said that many places have dress codes and if one wants to enter or avail of the facilities then one is reasonably expected to conform, both in deference to the owners/operators of the facility and to those other visitors who have no problem in conforming to the relevant code. I don't see any real difference here. It's not a place I would find myself going, but if I were there, I would not consider it unreasonable to abide by the rules.
This is a difficult thing to answer I guess. For them that believe in such matters I suppose no explanation is necessary. For them that do not believe in such matters, no explanation is really possible.

I can understand pilgrimages to religious places like Jerusalem to see the place where This post will be deleted if not edited immediately supposedly died but I don't understand places like Knock and Lourdes. Especially when you see the way they have turned out. Passed through Lourdes last year and it was disgusting. I guess like you say if I believed in people appearing in visions, I would feel differently.
I want to know why people go to them.

If you're in the area, maybe it just one of the things to do ? I've been in Paris and Notre Dame Cathedral, in Barcelona and La Sagrada. I've lived all my life in Dublin and have yet to see the inside of Christchurch or Saint Patricks Catherdral.

I assume going to Knock for it's own 'merits' is an act of devotion.
If you're in the area, maybe it just one of the things to do ? I've been in Paris and Notre Dame Cathedral, in Barcelona and La Sagrada.

True, visited Vatican few years ago when on trip to Italy but my focus was seeing some of the wonderful Renaissance art and architecture. Given the unlimited financial resources the religious institutions have had over the ages, they have allowed for some amazing talents to get public airings, which might not have been the case had the artist been relying on purely private commissions. Take the in Notre Dame as just one example.
Does anyone know what exactly is the dress code for Knock? I haven't seen it detailed on any of the press reports on this.
True, visited Vatican few years ago when on trip to Italy but my focus was seeing some of the wonderful Renaissance art and architecture. Given the unlimited financial resources the religious institutions have had over the ages, they have allowed for some amazing talents to get public airings, which might not have been the case had the artist been relying on purely private commissions. Take the in Notre Dame as just one example.

I thought the Vatican was an obscene display of wealth. The church looks for money off churchgoers each week while owning what is probably the largest, most valuable art collection in the world.
I thought the Vatican was an obscene display of wealth. The church looks for money off churchgoers each week while owning what is probably the largest, most valuable art collection in the world.

It is. And they probably do. As I said, I was admiring the talent of the artists rather than the means by which their work got there. One wonders what relief from suffering could be aided if some of this wealth was distributed to the needy. Perhaps a Warren Buffet style pontiff is needed.
It is. And they probably do. As I said, I was admiring the talent of the artists rather than the means by which their work got there. One wonders what relief from suffering could be aided if some of this wealth was distributed to the needy. Perhaps a Warren Buffet style pontiff is needed.

I agree the work is amazing. Bar status symbols I dont see any reason for them to hold onto that kind of wealth.