Dress code for Knock - I wonder what God would think?


Chocks away

Seemingly a dress code is being established at Knock. Considering that we were born not wearing clothes, does the panel think that this is another church perpetrated perversion?
Didn't hear about a dress code for Knock but it is common in Italian churches. No knees or shoulders to be exposed. I don't know why.
Didn't hear about a dress code for Knock but it is common in Italian churches. No knees or shoulders to be exposed. I don't know why.

Yup, remember being turned away from the basilica of San Marco in Venice for being in a strappy sundress years ago but they didn't mind when I borrowed a jacket from a friend and re-entered. They said it was out of respect for god ( the sight of my bare shoulders apparently being disrespectful).

As for Knock, I can't imagine the catholic church can afford to turn away anyone nowadays so that should be interesting.
Yup, remember being turned away from the basilica of San Marco in Venice for being in a strappy sundress years ago...

Snap! Happened to me for precisely the same reason in exactly the same place! What are the odds? ;)
Snap! Happened to me for precisely the same reason in exactly the same place! What are the odds? ;)

LOL. I'd love to see a snap of that.:D Hey, hang on- are you the guy who stole my sundress that day when I went sunbathing?
Looks like Our Lady of Knock on hols. The knotted handkerchief is a dead giveaway! :)
This is not exclusive to churches. Last March I was picking up a couple of bottles of a favourite Rosé from the [broken link removed] in Lanzarote. My OH had shorts & a bikini top on with a wrap. The sales assistant (looking a bit embarrassed I must say) said that she had to stay outside or put on a full t-shirt or such if she wanted to browse in the store. So she stayed out in the sweltering heat and I had to make do with sampling a few of their wares in the air conditioned bar. ;)
Seemingly a dress code is being established at Knock. Considering that we were born not wearing clothes, does the panel think that this is another church perpetrated perversion?
Hardly controversial. Many museums, shops, restaurants etc. have dress codes. But hey Chocks why miss an opportunity to have a go at the Church :rolleyes:.
Honestly, the church baffles me more and more every day. A woman becoming a priest would be worse than a paedophile. Exposing your shoulders is worse than all these awful crimes committed by priests. Hypocrisy anyone?? And why shouldn't people have a go at the church. They are making a mockery out of people.
I have no problem with it at all - in fact I would like to see it extended to my own workplace when the sun comes out.

We all got the communion photos a few months ago and I suspect this is the reason the dress code is being introduced.
I have no problem with it at all - in fact I would like to see it extended to my own workplace when the sun comes out.


From the bit of Liveline I heard about this subject, there have been occasions where men have been inside the church at Knock bare chested. Given the physical condition of the most Irish men (myself included ;)), I don't want to be confronted with the sight of moobs and a sagging belly at the beach, let alone in a place of worship.

At a guess, many Irish people have been on holiday in Asia and have visited Bhuddist places of worship. There, it is common practice to take off shoes and not, when seated, have your bare feet 'pointed' at the shrine. I assume most of us would comply with such a request when abroad. Why should the same courtesy not apply in Mayo, or anywhere else ?
Didnt This post will be deleted if not edited immediately clear the temple of people displaying their wares?

So there you go, direct precedent, case closed.

Suppose its detracts a bit from the comtemplative side of religion if its hooters out as far as the eye can see. No issue, people move on, theres enough legitimate stuff to church-bash about.
I don't have a problem with it either - but on the other hand, I think it just highlights the a la carte approach to standards that the RC church can have. I mean, during "solemn" Novena week it is normal to see stalls erected outside churches with people selling gaudy overpriced religious trinkets with all the zeal of east end market traders.

Yeah, very solemn.
At a guess, many Irish people have been on holiday in Asia and have visited Bhuddist places of worship. There, it is common practice to take off shoes and not, when seated, have your bare feet 'pointed' at the shrine. I assume most of us would comply with such a request when abroad. Why should the same courtesy not apply in Mayo, or anywhere else ?

I think that's the key point.

Why the hell does anyone go to Knock anyway? Best tourist scam apart from Lourdes.
We all got the communion photos a few months ago and I suspect this is the reason the dress code is being introduced.
Tell us more, Becky?

I was stopped going into St Peters in Rome years ago as I was wearing shorts. I then sneaked in along with a cavalcade of priests, cardinals and altar boys. I got as far as the second inner door before God's servants kicked me out.
Honestly, the church baffles me more and more every day. A woman becoming a priest would be worse than a paedophile. Exposing your shoulders is worse than all these awful crimes committed by priests. Hypocrisy anyone?? And why shouldn't people have a go at the church. They are making a mockery out of people.

I can see why it baffles you when you make conclusions like that.