Double stamp duty?


Registered User
is is true that if one buys two, or more properties in the same development, stamp duty is calculated on the entire purchase and not on each individual property?

That means that if I buy four at €200K, I pay stamp duty on an €800K purchase and not on 4x€200K purchases?

solicitor says yes, but auctioneer/builder says no!!!
It depends on the nature of the transactions involved.

In general where a purchaser buys two or more properties from the one vendor the Revenue must be alerted to the fact that this is a series of transactions and must be told the overall value rather than each individual value.

However for eg where you buy a number of lots at auction, this is not a series of transactions as each lot was purchased seperately and therefore not linked. Or for eg where you have contracts to buy a number of properties but the contracts are conditional on say for eg planning, then again these would be classed as seperate transactions as each purchase could fail due to non- issue of planning and you could end up buying only one or none, or all.
What is the rationale here Vanilla? Is it that the buyer may be receiving a discount from the vendor when purchasing more than 1, and as such the revenue can decide that the transactions are essentially one transaction?
Rationale is that the revenue do not want to lose out on stamp duty where a vendor and purchaser agree to split property into various lots so as to avail of a lower rate or indeed an exemption.
that's understandable, but if it's an investor purchasing several (clearly defined and separate) units in a new development, while the revenue would still be alerted, would they apply the higher rates of stamp duty?
I would think that if the investor were buying several units with one contract which specifically stated that the contract were dependant on all of these units being sold, then there might be a possibility that the collective value would be the one to determine the stamp duty. However if individual contracts were not interdependant, and there was for eg no plan to buy more than one in order to amalgamate them, then it is an arguable case to the revenue for the opposite view. If I were acting on behalf of someone in this instance I would probably get a determination from the revenue one way or another before my client decided to proceed.