door frame rebate problem

Well as a cabinetmaker and restorer, your solution is surprising. I doubt if you would add too many slips as a remedy for a cabinet project.

Incidentally I dont know it all, what I dont know , I research my library of woodwork books dating back as far as 150 years....thats why I dont need your diy books, thank you for the offer tho:D

Sorry for offering a solution that seemed objectionable to you. And then you felt the need to ridicule it, by quoting me , and then a comment of no real help on the issue.

Glad to see that you are a kindred spirit in wood too, but I,m not going to bore you with the details. Suffice to say tho...I am also extremely good at what I do, a master joiner. And I too have spent many years on restoration projects in wood work, as my father did, and my grandfather, its in the blood:p

Personally diy books dont do it for me, I prefer reading " Modern Cabinetwork Furniture and Fitments" by John Hooper , a valuable treatise on cabinetmaking, and an exceptionable reference work on cabinetmaking, but as a cabinet maker you would already know that.

At the risk of getting banned for going so far off topic, ....end of rant.

Points of view are always that, just points of view.
I believe that the best way was mine, you believe your way is best, neither or us will ever see the doors installed so it doesn't really matter at all does it?

I have tremendous respect for fellow professionals in wood craft and I detest cowboys and chancers.
I know you are neither because I have read several of your posts on different threads.
On the issue of these doors I believe you are wrong but like all things in this world if everyone had the same view it'd be an awful boring world wouldn't it.
Now before the mods delete all our posts lets say something outrageous.
An update...

Chippie made up strips and fitted them. They were glued and nailed. I finished sanding them last weekend and they look very good. I have to paint yet but I'm fairly sure they will not be visible. Doors close really well - all in all I'm glad we went with this approach.