Dont want to have kids

I kind of find posts about lipotrim pointless but I guess people have different things they feel the need to talk about - that's the point of shooting the breeze
Does that mean you will not get married, I think the biggest reason to get married is to have kids, I wonder how many people if they knew before they got married for some reason or another that they would have no kids, would they go throught with getting married . If you love a person it does not mean you love them more because you married them does it.
If you love a person it does not mean you love them more because you married them does it.
No but there are many other reasons - some of them boringly practical/prudent - for getting married. For example, tax, property ownership, inheritance issues etc.
No but there are many other reasons - some of them boringly practical/prudent - for getting married. For example, tax, property ownership, inheritance issues etc.
Leaving that aside with the divorce rate in alot of Country's these days been 50%, if you knew both did not want kids or could'nt, it would seem alot less hassel. I have to say if I chose not to have kids then I would not have got married,for tax's and the like is a sad reason to get married. also alot easier to walk away from if you where part of the 50% who dont stay married
Something like 1 in 7 couples have fertility problems. Many couples would like kid(s) but experience difficulties, and adoption is difficult.