Dole cheats: Should I report, and how to go about it?

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and don't forget the polish who have gone home to jobs in poland and come over here every couple of weeks to collect the dole
now i hear in poland the ''no irish wanted signs'' are being put out,and the poles don,t need to come back for their dole its sent out to them

crooked bankers and polititions do more damage than any moonlighters will ever do
and don't forget the polish who have gone home to jobs in poland and come over here every couple of weeks to collect the dole

Eh, figures please? Since July 2008 the dole has to be collected in person weekly.

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Don't forget the approximately 95,000 long-term unemployed Irish who couldn't be bothered getting a job during the boom years. Instead non-English speakers came from all over Europe to do the jobs these long-term no-hopers refused to do.

Nice attempt at a racist smear, though.
now i hear in poland the ''no irish wanted signs'' are being put out

Any proof of that, photographic or otherwise? The only person who claims this is Kilcoyne, who also failed to provide evidencė; he was just spreading hearsay.

and the poles don,t need to come back for their dole its sent out to them

A pathetic lie. Since July 2008 the dole has to be collected in person weekly.

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aaah... lads as we go down the swanny ..lets attack each other...jeez we all have a responsibility for the way things are,we were sold a pup..but we gladly bought it

I signed on in July 2008. (For 2 weeks)

I have gotten a new job and was complaining that I had to collect my money in person rather than it going into my account. The system had just changed.

The person in the SW office specifically told me that it was because of the Polish (and he mentioned them by race) who were coming out to sign once a month and getting money paid direct into the bank account, so there is some truth in that.
I've been told this by Irish AND Polish people alike. A bit more than hearsay I would imagine.

No, that's the definition of hearsay: a rumour without evidence.
All these Irish people have been to Poland and seen the signs, have they? Take any photos?
Report it to your tax office also, since they are probably due a substantial tax bill.
now i hear in poland the ''no irish wanted signs'' are being put out,and the poles don,t need to come back for their dole its sent out to them

This stuff only breeds racism :mad:, unless, as already said you can provide hard evidence, it should be withdrawn. Surely Poland, as a member state of the EU, one would suspect that they have similar discrimination laws to ourselves.
Surely Poland, as a member state of the EU, one would suspect that they have similar discrimination laws to ourselves.

Well you would think so, but from my own experience casual racism, sexism & homophobia is rampant in Poland.

I know quite a few Poles most of whom are educated professionals - nice people, but their attitude to black people is absolutely shocking.

These signs (if they do even exist) could well go unremarked upon I would imagine.
If you do report them, I hope nobody finds out it was you! Even though you are doing the right thing you will still be labelled as a "rat" and an "informer". Not a nice reputation to have when you go to your local pub!
I'd have no problem with a thief (Who's stole from me by the way) calling me a "rat".
Report Report Report!

Its our money and it doesn't matter who is ripping off this country their f**c**n heads should roll whoever they are - and the first should be the politicians and benefits thieves!!
If you do report them, I hope nobody finds out it was you! Even though you are doing the right thing you will still be labelled as a "rat" and an "informer". Not a nice reputation to have when you go to your local pub!

I'm not too sure that this is (should be?) the attitude in the current climate. Attitudes change. Remember, only a few years ago the general atttitute was that it was 'ok' to drive 'after a few pints'......

This is what social welfare fraud cost the country last year. If those thieves (because that is what they are) had not been caught, then the cost to the average PAYE taxpayer in the country would have been around €700 per person per annum.

Therefore for those who think it is ok not to report dole and social welfare cheats, the question is simple, do you want to pay more in taxes to fund this? I don't

Report the cheats
Its ridiculous!! People that are genuinely out of work are finding it next to impossible to even get the dole...not to mind these "bushpigs" trying to grab all they can get at the cost of us tax payers. Maybe if there were more people like yourself then there could be a balanced scale in the country!
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