I was told by an insurance company in France that as the home owner I was obliged to have insurance for the building. It was the law.
Now I didn’t research the law but he explained that if my house burned down and I had no insurance to rebuild the state would have to house me, therefore they covered that by making it a law to insure.
Might have been making it up but we did learn that to cancel our insurance and move to a new provider we had to give the current company 3 months notice. It wasn’t strictly like that, we took out new cover, discovered this quirk (to our way of thinking). Wrote to the old insurer and cancelled from the date of the letter and 3 months later they gave us a refund from about a week after the letter was sent.
It’d make sense for the state to require it and frankly where there are party walls it should be a legal requirement. Not sure about stand alone houses.