Dogs being starved


Registered User
My neighbours are starving their dogs and they are barking constantly. Can I legally report them anonymously to the Gardai? The local dog warden won't act on anonymous reports as he claims he must inform the person of who made the complaints.

Opinions please.
Hi James,

The more I read about the way animals are treated in this country the more annoyed I get.

I read an article recently in one of the newspapers about puppy farming in Ireland and how many pedigree dogs are being stolen and possibly used in these puppy farms to produce many litters per year. I can't stop thinking about them. A few friends have had their dogs stolen from their gardens It seems that our archaic laws hamper the ISPCA and Gardai from dealing properly with the problem. I intend making a few phone calls/nagging a few politicians and try to do my little bit to get something movin' on the problem.

Back to your neighbours dogs - are you 100% sure that they are not feeding them properly? If they are big dogs and not getting enuf exercise they will bark most likely thru boredom. Is it totally out of the question to mention it to your neighbour or have you already done so?
I am sick of mentioning it tbh. I have even taken the dogs some food around for them, poor things. They are german shepards and you can see the ribs from the lack of nurishment.
bond-007 said:
I am sick of mentioning it tbh. I have even taken the dogs some food around for them, poor things. They are german shepards and you can see the ribs from the lack of nourishment.

Fair dues for doing your bit and feeding them. Its very hard to understand why these people have animals. Probably only use them for guarding the house.
Unfortunatly i would advise that you grow a thick neck and name yourself, or give a false name. This is barbaric and if they come loose they may attack other people or children
That kind of mistreatment is sickening, although far, far too common in this country. Can you get a friend of yours, someone who doesn't live in the estate, to complain on your behalf if they don't mind their name being used? The dogs unfortunately can't speak for themselves - it looks like its up to you to risk falling out with your neighbours if you want to save the dogs.

Sueellen, you might be interested in [broken link removed] link regarding puppy farms which I found on the website. I have heard of so many neighbours and colleagues having their pedigree animals stolen for use in puppy farms - these poor dogs literally get bred to death - if only people would neuter their dogs, they have no value to the thieves then.
bond-007 said:
The local dog warden won't act on anonymous reports as he claims he must inform the person of who made the complaints.

Are you sure about this?

A friend of mine emailed ISPCA last year about the neighbours dogs being left out in rain in middle of winter. She gave her name, phone number etc.

The guy in the ISPCA specifically told her he wouldn't reveal her identity.
I have had to make a complaint to both the guards and the ISPCC and with both they asked me for my name which i explained that i would not give it as i lived in the estate and the neighbours i was making the complaint against where not the sort of people who you would want to know your name. Both the guards and the ispcc said that was no problem and followed up on the complaint without my name been given. Id would be more persistant with them on this issue.
Why not say Joan Bloggs and give a false address if necessary? It probably won't make any difference and the complaint will probably be followed up anyway.
Bond, please PLEASE don't let this continue. Please try the ISPCA and the Garda one more time. If all else fails, as someone has already suggested give a false name. But just don't allow this to continue, and well done for feeding the poor things.

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My apologies - didn't realise.

get a friend who doesn't have to live near these people to report them... they could call over to you for a cup of tea and notice the problems with the poor dogs and phone up...
Nope, I live out in the countryside so it will be pretty clear that I was the snitch. I will be talking to the local garda sgt tomorrow to see what can be done.
Any livestock farming in your area? Are the dogs allowed roam free? If the answer is yes to both questions then there would be valid grounds for dealing with this in other ways. Including shooting the dogs if they were worrying livestock etc.
No - but somebody else (e.g. a local sheep farmer) might consider it an option. Allowing dogs to roam around the countryside (or actually anywhere these days) is not on. If this is the case here then there is even more reason than simply the alleged cruelty to report or act on the matter.