Dog barking consistently

Just the One

Registered User

My neighbours have a dog that just barks non-stop from the moment that they go out to the moment that they come back.

I don't think that they are aware of it because as soon as they get to the gate the dog stops barking.

I know that I could just say it to them but I don't want to create an atmosphere. Has anyone got any suggestions?
Unfortunately, there's nothing you can actually do to stop the dog barking (it's only barking because it's bored/missing its owners), so the only way is to mention it to the neighbours.

Take a nice approach. Say you're worried about the dog as it sounds increasingly anxious. That might work.
I think Sun Sparks suggestion is good. In fact I'm sure you probably are worried about the dog (as well as being annoyed by his barking). The dog must be distressed at being left alone. The owners may be glad to be told of this distress.
I was thinking myself of trying to find out if our estate has a nieghbourhood residents association and if so to approach a member of that as a neutral broker to suggest to the dog owner next to me that he have some thought for neighbours.
This is a private matter between you and your neighbour as the dog is confined to the neighbours property. However, your local Dog Warden can call to your neighbours house on the basis that complaints have been made about persistent barking - (ask that you remain anonymous if this is what you want). Unless the warden finds evidence of neglect or mistreatment there is not a lot more they can do - however this alone might be sufficient to alert your neighbours to the problem. If the problem persists you can take a Civil Case in the District Court against your neighbours. This is a quick, cheap and straight-forward method for tackling noise pollution - see for details and a Court Form. Good Luck!
Dogs earing is very sensitive to "high" frequencies (40kHz) that are beyond human's earing (20kHz). (open to correction for exact frequencies)

A friend of mine got a small transmitter which emits a continious 40kHz tone. When the dog next door barks, he presses a button to start the transmittion and the dog stops straight away... After a short period of "training", the dog stopped barking all together... Thanks [broken link removed]

Not sure if available in store....

What about that mosquitto ring tone - would that help?
you may be interested in the Neighbourhood Noise Bill drawn up by The Green Party-it proposes to deal with everything from barking dogs to house alarms.There is more info on their site
But will it ever see the light of day?
you may be interested in the Neighbourhood Noise Bill drawn up by The Green Party-it proposes to deal with everything from barking dogs to house alarms.There is more info on their site
But will it ever see the light of day?
Thats not much help or advice to the OP but is certainly a great plug for the green party
I had the same issue and I went across the road and mentioned it to them. They were grand, they genuinely didn't have a clue that the dog barked when they weren't there.
Tell them about it first and then if nothing happens tell them again and then write to them
I wouldnt go near dog wardens, Council or anything else at this stage. This is after all a neighbour you are dealing with and if it was the other way round where you had a dog that barked and annoyed the neighbours Im sure you would rather they came to your door instead of a dog warden.

As pointed out by a couple of others here, have a word with them in an amicable fashion and take it from there
the dog just needs to be trained not to bark - during day or night. it bugs me that people just buy dogs as though they're buying furniture and then don't bother to train them - not fair on the dog OR the neighbours!

tell them to train him! and if they're working, they'll just have to take some time off to do it..
Thats not much help or advice to the OP but is certainly a great plug for the green party
Neither is your post -the point is at least someone is aware of the problem
and trying to address it-who knows -if they get into a coalition after the next election-and no I am not a member-or do I have any connection.
I have the same problem and it is really getting to me as i like sitting in my sunroom in the evening and between the dopey dog next door and the labrador a few doors down on at the back of me. I think the main problem is they do not get brought on walks and the gardens are not big enough for them especially for the labrador. I said it to my next door neighbour the other week as i felt like getting over the wall and strangling him as it was barking non-stop.

As said i think people go of their dogs and forget about walking them especially when kids come along. Sure i know a couple and their house was like a zoo Dogs, Lizards Birds etc after awhile they got rid of lizards then bird etc but still have the fancy dog that the same as Paris Hilton just like a rat