I suspect that it's nearer if not exactly 5%.Yeah - but just Bud in my case - 4.8% or something?
I suspect that it's nearer if not exactly 5%.Yeah - but just Bud in my case - 4.8% or something?
I suspect that it's nearer if not exactly 5%.
Yeah - but just Bud in my case - 4.8% or something?
I thought we were talking about drinking alcohol here not pish?![]()
I thought we were talking about drinking alcohol here not pish?![]()
LOL too true
While I drink, my wife doesn't drink nor does any of her family as well. Also with her sisters and brothers none of their in-laws drink either. I believe the weddings were very sober affairs. I can imagine the next family occasion I will be unique at it.![]()
It's pretty bland tasteless watery pish all right but it's refreshing (like Miller). Just couldn't drink too much of it.
Try something hoppy and malty and savour every sip.
Leffe Triple (Belgium) is a fave. So is Coopers Sparkling Ale from Oz.
Have a look at http://www.beersofeurope.co.uk to order if you want (no connection to me..unfortunately)
about 100,000 of them floating about.
Were you not unique at your own wedding to your wife or have all her family + the wife given up drink after you married her?
Back to the topic. My daughter's boyfrien doesn't drink and he is only 26. My sister drink and she is in her fifties.
Well, I made my confirmation in 1991 and we were asked to take the pledge. It had not been mentioned prior to the point when the bishop said "stand up now and we'll take the pledge". I didn't even know what it was and on discovering its meaning, I promptly told my parents that was a ridiculous thing to promise and that I was sure not to keep it. So I didn't take it. I objected to the fact that it was sprung on me!
I don't know anyone who recently made their confirmation but I'd imagine it's still in there.
Take the bus? Of course if you're a bus driver ...v dissappointed/worried about the proposed new blood alcohol limit - I agree that no-one should drink & drive & I never do but what are you supposed to do the morning after?
I cycle to the pub when I drink during the week so the exercise kind of balances against the drink.
I stopped for medical/health reasons about a year ago (and quit smoking soon after). I do miss it, but I suspect if I went back to it I'd (a) very quickly find myself drinking more than was good for me again, and (b) end up even more quickly back on the fags — which is a definite no-no for me...![]()