Does anyone believe Bertie?

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He will be seen as the leader of the country during the Celtic Tiger and NI Peace Process.
According to the Daily Telegraph Ireland is heading for one gigantic property bubble, with banks nationalised etc. etc. Also they argue that the shabby compromise with the IRA in the North will end in a 32 county socialist republic. So these two apparent successes could well be a complete illusion.
According to the Daily Telegraph Ireland is heading for one gigantic property bubble, with banks nationalised etc. etc. Also they argue that the shabby compromise with the IRA in the North will end in a 32 county socialist republic. So these two apparent successes could well be a complete illusion.
Ah, the Telegraph, the last great bastion of the Empire!! Presumably they had an alternative, such as tell Paddy to shut up and do what he's told. As for a socialist republic, yeah, that seems likely, gicen how socialist parties get what, 16% of the vote in the south, and people who vote SF up north don't do so out of affinity with their socialist traditions - i'd say many SF members up north are unaware that they're supposed to be a socialist party.
According to the Daily Telegraph Ireland is heading for one gigantic property bubble, with banks nationalised etc. etc. Also they argue that the shabby compromise with the IRA in the North will end in a 32 county socialist republic. So these two apparent successes could well be a complete illusion.
I wouldn't put much store on the opinions of the anti-Irish Tory-graph.
All the same, whilst not looking likely just now, these two predictions are in a sense self supporting.

If property crashes, forget your social partnership, the huge brunt of the hangover will be borne by the skilled working classes and the lower middle classes.

This constituency has been prepared to vote for corrupt capitalist politicians while everything was going rosy but would be first to embrace revolutionary socialism if it all collapses. Having given SF/IRA the stamp of respectability it would all fit into horrible place very quickly.

This nightmare scenario would be the clear legacy of Bertyism.
saying he knew nothing about £30,000 being given to the aunts of Celia - pleeeaase!
If you haven't already seen it, check out the article in the current edition of Phoenix explaining how the elderly aunts had very specific rights as long term tenants at that time, and could not have been under any risk of eviction. Ironically, those rights have since been eliminated by Bertie's big brudder, Noel Ahern!
The so-called peace process has been a gigantic fraud and ultimately a failure ever since the signing of the Good Friday agreement 10 years ago. Four years after the guns had (almost) been silenced in the 1994 ceasefires, the politicians of the North signed up to a deal that institutionalised sectarian division in its political and administrative structures. A decade later, the moderates that led the respective communities in 1998 have been largely erased off the political map. The hardliners, on one side a gang of bloodthirsty terrorists & marxists, and on the other a narrow fundamentalist religious grouping, are now in control and despite all the pr efforts of the spindoctors and vested interests, the ugly reality is that sectarian division is now worse in Northern Ireland than it was in 1998. Bertie Aherns legacy will in the long run be tainted by this failure.
Guys, I wouldn't worry too much... Corruption is everywhere and I honestly find Ireland much less corrupted than Italy...

Well, that's okay then. I feel better knowing there is somewhere more corrupt than Ireland - end the Tribunals now!

which of the current politicians dont have a past!! It was only 15K or whatever....Most people who are complaining are begruders imho....

I didn't realise Eoghan Harris was an AAM contributor?

It's my home you are putting on the line with your careless description of everyone you can think of as frauds and cheats.

I have had to delete 6 posts. This issue is closed. Go discuss on some other website.

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