Does anyone believe Bertie?

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Cast your mind back to just prior to the election 07 and remember Bertie saying that he would give full and frank explanations to all questions put to him in the Tribunal. These "answers" are now being dragged out of him - he appears to have lied under oath (e.g. saying he received no sterling into particular account or saying he knew nothing about £30,000 being given to the aunts of Celia - pleeeaase!) Does anyone believe his explanations anymore? Does anyone believe he will be prosecuted for perjury? Why is he still so popular? Is it that we are just an apathetic nation who like a rogue?
How could anyone possibly believe the waffle! And hang the secretary out to dry.
What about obstructing the Tribunal. Isn't there a penalty for that.
Why is he still so popular?

Is he popular? I don't think he is - certainly not for the past 3-4 years. He was a liability for FF in the last General Election. He has excellent media management skills that ensures that this uncomfortable point is always glossed over.
He's only unpopular with the people that don't vote FF. It can't be that much longer before the long knives come out though.
He won't go voluntarily that's for sure.

When Kenny tried to go after him it bolstered support for Bertie.

Jim McDaid was convicted of dangerous and drunk driving and still managed to get re-elected.

FF people tolerate criminality in their politicians.
As brother Noel says, what's the big deal? 15K sterling. So what? Is it unpatriotic or sumfin' to touch the Queen's shilling?
I always felt bertie was a bit of a rogue but who wasn't back then, but as more and more has come out, its shocking he has a neck like a jockey. For me the final nail in the coffin was the money for his bit of fluff's aunts house! Bertie its time to back away..... Dustin for Taoiseach
I have finally worked out what's happening with his €22,000 p.a. make -up bill. I couldn't figure out how anyone could spend that much, but then I remembered he's the "Teflon Taoiseach". Obviously he gets himself re-coated at regular intervals so he won't be caught out in a bare-faced lie.
This is hilarious and just typical.. As a previous poster said which of the current politicians dont have a past!! It was only 15K or whatever and I personnaly dont think that its worth months of costs at the tribunal and in addition the amount of ink and paper wasted by the media on printing about it... Leave B alone and move on to items which are more current and more pressing to the economy!!

Most people who are complaining are begruders imho....
It was only 15K or whatever

Its certainly more than that with all his various "lodgements" and don't forget, when you translate it into todays money, its the guts of a house.
In '94 i applied for a mortage and was offered 30k - that was enough to buy a house in a Northside suburb (not a particuly good one mind).
So with that in mind, in my opinion it IS a considerable amount and he SHOULD be made to explain it.
It's kind of embarrassing........I don't really think anyone cares!

Yeah I think 95% of people really dont care anymore.
If anything it has turned me off FG and Lab. I would have voted for both of them in the past but now they just look like sore losers who have nothing to add on policy matters so go after a person who will probably be seen as one of the greatest leaders we've ever had in years to come.

I just wish I could find a talk radio station that did not cover that tribunal nonsense.
Last time I checked we had a democracy where politicians are answerable to the public and not a few vested interests who were peddling vast sums of money in lieu of political favours.

Alas, that doesnt seem to be the case does it. Mores the pity...
The future leader of the FF party does. Is he/she fit to rule because of this? And to earlier posters (sorry am in a rush) yes it is relevant. It all ads up. Could be 'tip of the iceberg' scenario.
Like his mentor Haughey, Bertie will be seen as the fraud he is.

I dont think so. Haughey was a lunatic. History will show that Bertie presided over the transformation of the Irish economy and thus IMHO, it will show him to be a great leader no matter what the tribunal uncovers.

Kenny and Rabitte had their chance to hammer Bertie on his dealing before the election but the polls were showing that this would not help their cause so they held back. Now that they have lost the election, they are trying to bring down the Taoiseach and government before the tribunal has finished.

What do they hope to achieve ? Would Cowen be so different ?
The economy is in trouble and FG/Lab are only concerned with corruption.

I mean it's embarrassing for us as people though that we don't seem to care. Like, it makes me feel that we're all at it or that we're a nation of shysters or something.

IS everyone at it?
Brian Cowan is a different animal altogether and probably a far better leader for FF.

I agree. So what difference will it make to FG/Lab if Bertie is dumped and Cowen comes in.
I would be absolutely shocked if that is the view of Ahern in 5 years time, never mind 25 years time. When all this is over, he will have a worse reputation than Haughey, who at least was competent (when he got round to doing something for the country).

What ? Haughey did sweet FA !

Like him or loathe him Bertie will be viewed very well in years to come IMHO. He will be seen as the leader of the country during the Celtic Tiger and NI Peace Process.
What ? Haughey did sweet FA !

Like him or loathe him Bertie will be viewed very well in years to come IMHO. He will be seen as the leader of the country during the Celtic Tiger and NI Peace Process.

We'll see, but I think the fact that he was leader during the Celtic Tiger will not be seen as a positive, where and how his tenureship ends up will paint him in a very flattering light either.
The peace process I will give him some credit for, but there were a lot of people involved in that, many of whom were much more important to the process than Bertie - I wouldn't have expected any leader of the Republic of Ireland to do less.
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