Do you need a receipt?

"Shops do not have to give you a receipt when you buy goods, but you should always ask for one."
I'm surprised at this, I always thought that shops had to provide a receipt especially when asked

But then again I heard years ago, don't know if it's true or not but shops are not legally obliged to give you change??
Collecting my glasses from Specsavers this week I noticed that they came with my prescription attached. I asked for both prescriptions.....the young man I was dealing with just wouldn't give me them. I eventually said to him to ask his manager if I could have them. She looked at me and thought better of having an argument so I was given them.

I understand that I can now order online reading and distant glasses.......I may be even to get the anti-glare thrown in that Specsavers wanted €45 for?
I would still seek legal advice:(
You are of course free to do so, but on the basis of what we know here, your solicitor will almost certainly tell you to let it go as there is no case to answer. They may well charge you for the privilege.

A garage accidentally picking the wrong car for a drive-off is not a crime. The Gardai arriving at someone's door will not make a claim that you definitely did anything, even if they have strong evidence. Even if the garage deliberately picked you for whatever reason and called the Gardai and said you stole something knowing that to be false, it still wouldn't reach the bar required for you to be successful in any action.