Do you like your job?

I work for a large multinational as well. If Mr and Mrs Crap were working beside me theyed get reviewed and pink slipped if the crap work and leaving early continued. No 2 ways about it. Id be looking at the company you work for if that kind of attitute pervailed as it smacks of shoddy work practices. Its easy to be anonymous in a large company, but only if the company allows you to be.
SteelBlue05 said:
- Get a job somewhere else that pays you what you want
- If your existing company really want you they will pay to keep you once you hand in your notice
Dangerous approach - As a manager, if any employee tried this with me, I would most likely be thinking that he has already made the mental leap out of the company, and it's just a matter of time before he really does go. Why have him hanging round infecting others with bad morale. I'd be more inclined to cut my losses early and let him go.
What I did once was explain to management I wasn't happy with the situation (had been working as "acting" supervisor, then discovered new people coming in, same job but minus the extra administrative and management work were starting on about 4k more than I was on at the time). I asked for a salary review and made the point that I had found out what they would have to pay someone new to do only the basic part of my job if I were to leave and that basically that's at least the salary increase I wanted and also asking them to finally make my promotion official (after a year and a half of doing the work anyway). It wasn't really a job I liked that much and I only stayed for so long (3.5 years) because it was otherwise a great place to work. I was simply told that there was no budget to officially make me supervisor or increase my salary. I used the opportunity to make a big change in my job (landing in the miserable job that I ended in for two years, but hey, that's life) but really it's the kind of thing you should only do if you are willing to follow through on actually leaving.
Threatening to leave isn't the answer really. It all seems very cynical to me, that 'good' people have to threaten in order to gain reward. There's something very wrong here. Threatening to leave isn't the answer. Working an employee until he drops isn't the answer. Rewarding cr*p work isn't the answer. What's wrong with good old fashioned appreciation? Why does it all have to be forced out of people? Where's goodwill gone? Where's good old fashioned care and decency? I say (again) .. am I being naive??
Why does it all have to be forced out of people? Where's goodwill gone? Where's good old fashioned care and decency? I say (again) .. am I being naive??
I dont think youre being naive. My managers (direct and senior) reward good work. Maybe Im just lucky in where I work but I heard my company was a good place to work before I joined so if I engineered/steered myself into a position I wanted to be in, working in an area I wanted to work in and for a company thats good to work for, Im not sure it is luck. But I (try to) work hard as well and be diligent and proactive about my job in the workplace. The goodwill of the management enourages that attitude though.
As it happens, the firm I work for also seems to reward effort quite well. I'm happy here. I have experienced the other side, and I know (from these posts) that it's rampant, and so I just ask - why don't employers in general appreciate the good employee? Any employers/bosses out there got any light to throw on the subject?
My job, I really like.

I really dislike the politics that are prevalent from the top down.

Andrewa said:
why don't employers in general appreciate the good employee? Any employers/bosses out there got any light to throw on the subject?

I work for myself and have no employees but I have worked in a number of different jobs and in response to your questions it comes down to the simple fact that employers want as much as they can for what they pay

The "lazy" employees that you talk about are "bankers" they are usually good for nothing more than menial tasks
But these menial tasks will always be there and need to be done
These employees have no ambition and therefore will be there in 1/2, stroke 5 years time making sure that at least the most basic of tasks "will" be done

Whereas, good workers are a threat to the managers/supervisors as they are ambitous for a reason, they want promotion/wages increases

Not directly a threat as most will go somewere else for promotion but the ones that leave "were going to leave no matter what" in the eyes of the manager, but the ones that stay will expect their current manager to be proactive/promoted so they can replace them

I am an accountant and worked in practice and industry
Working in practice I was 1 of 50 in the dept who could do my job (whether better or worse doesn't matter, technically/should be capable of doing it) and treated as just another employee
Anyone who thinks that accountants working for the Big Practices have a good job are crazy
It was in a small practice where I trained and learned how to do real work

In industry I was "the accountant" and treated as same
Similar to the "IT Guy", who no one knew what he does but things work so leave him alone

It comes down to the perception of replacability (if that's a word)
No one is unreplaceable but some are more hassle to replace than others

I left accounting practice becasue I decided I did not want my bosses job, not in a big practice
I ended starting a practice for myself but still do not want his/her job

I run my practice and deal with my clients as I see fit and not as any other partners think I should

As Rainy said do not make threats about leaving unless you are willing to carry them out
But you should also be aware of how replaceable you are when bartering your position

But always be aware of the current market outside that job, god knows you manger will be much more aware than you are
PS Sometimes you need to change job
I changed job every two years for 10 years (including leaving countries three times (for legitimate/good reasons)) and progressed in my career each time, including a stint in the public sector
I would never ever threaten to leave my job. I will always respect my boss and the job I have to do so if I want to leave, I will leave. I handed in my notice once before with no job to go to and it was the best thing I ever did. I don't think I would do it again though as I've too many financial commitments now! I'm a good worker, very diligent, very loyal and would do anything outside my call of duty. While I know my boss appreciates it on the one hand, I don't really feel it, I feel used and abused as he squeezes every bit of knowledge and talent out of me and everyone else in the company just sits back. I work in a small company and everyone has been working there for years. I'm here 6 years and one of my colleagues is here 27 years! Please god I won't be here 27 years but you never know..... :rolleyes:
So why do they do it (employers)? What's in it for them? Are they simply too short-sighted to realise what they're doing, or is there something more to it? I can't understand it. I would have thought it would be a better policy for the employer to reward the 'good' people. Doh!! Am I just naive??

Bosses want to keep their own jobs. If they can get someone doing more and more work for the same money, they get to keep their own jobs. They are there for themselves, not for their minions.

I personally love my job. The big difference I found was when I started working for myself. I just couldn't go back to working for someone else.
In anwser to the original question "Do you like your job" I have on the whole to say yes. I work full-time in IT but my work is local to where I live so don't have any commuting time (except 10 minutes).
My work is interesting and varied. I have a very good boss who I have worked on/off with for 12 years and have a great bunch of people who are in my department in work. THere is a good sports and social club going her but unfortunately with 2 kids and a husband who works long hours I havn't been to many outings lately!
I would love to work part-time which is not an option where I work at present and I would have to commute at least an hour to achieve this so other than this gripe I am happy! Also would have been happier if the firm offered paid maternity leave!!!