Juliette Lewis, she surely counts as left field?
What about someone who you.ve only heard speaking on the radio,
Think jenny kelly,laura byrne & sinead spain (all today fm) have seriously sexy voices but dont know what they look like.
Would i change my mind????
What about someone who you.ve only heard speaking on the radio .. jenny kelly ..
Nah, not in my book. She's a bit odd and slightly goofy really. Sounds like a 12 year old too.
Don't fancy her though.
Angelica Huston would be another for me - surely there is a movie in which she plays a dominatrix?
(Or did I just dream that?)
Remember her in Cape Fear, as the teenager just on the verge of sexual maturityJuliette Lewis, she surely counts as left field?
Remember her in Cape Fear, as the teenager just on the verge of sexual maturity
Yes - I could.could you be any creepier?
Yes - I could.
Jaysus - could you be any creepier?
Yes - I could.
Jessica Rabbit
Stella from BBC's The Apprentice