Do we want a cry baby as the world's most powerful person?

Don't know about you but Mary McAleese is my president.
LOL... Yes, I didn't mean only Ireland I meant the world.

I think Al-Qaeda are being strengthened by the US's moronic foreign policies. And 50-100 yrs down the line they will be able to attack more countries than just the USA, UK, Spain, Russia and themselves.
Why would you have a problem with a world leader crying in public?

I think the only genuine 'political' tears I ever saw was caught on video when George Bush, while visiting a classroom full of kids, was delivered the news about 911 by a secret service agent. I dont' judge those tears as weakness because he wasnt crying for himself but for the people he lost under his watch.

Otherwise I think crying in public is pathetic. A world leader might as well lose his temper in public. whats the difference ? The key point is lack of control of oneself.

Do people have such a paranoid lack of faith in public leaders that they are required to cry in public to prove their 'human' credentials ? Its' just another form of manipulation. Generally a leader crying for him or herself is either weak or a manipulative liar in my opinion. And it makes the west look weak to those non democratic regimes which are encouraged by signs of weakness. And of course we dont control how the public interprets it , the media does. Bah Humbug !
I don't think we need to worry about Hillary Clinton being weak or not in control of herself.

I didn't see the clip, but did she actually cry? I thought she just got emotional and looked like she was about to cry. Maybe she decided to let her emotions show? This does not mean that they were faked, or that she is weak or not in control of herself. Call it manipulation if you want, aren't they all attempting to manipulate the voters by all sorts of means; I don't think that showing some emotion would rank as particularly bad in terms of manipulation when you compare it to the smear campaigns, negative campaigning etc

She's usually slated for being overly calculating and ruthlessly ambitious, adjectives which would not be used if she were a man IMO. Maybe showing some emotion (faked or not) is a good strategy for her.

And it makes the west look weak to those non democratic regimes which are encouraged by signs of weakness
Well many of those regimes where women are 2nd class citizens would interpret a woman in power as a weakness anyway whether she was bawling or not.
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The one thing that we can be sure of is that the Irish media will continue with their simplistic Republican = Bad, Democrat = Good reporting on the US election. I would vote Democrat if I was American but the bias and laziness of our media is laughable.
And the same clowns in RTE who are guilty of this will insinuate with smug superiority that the American media is biased and inferior.
The whole democratic campaign of Hilary vs. Obama has become quite an entertaining but farcical pile-up of political correctness.

Those seeing it purely in gender terms want to see a woman in power. But then they can be reminded that according to the calculations of suffering devised by political correctness, blacks deserve jobs before privileged white people.

When it was pointed out that Obama was also relatively young, there were allegations of ageism being hurled.

I don't think you could write a better parody of political correctness !

"It looks like the Democratic field has really narrowed down. It’s going to be a black man or a white woman.
A black man or a white woman.
You know, this is the same decision Michael Jackson has to make every morning of his life. "

Yee Hee! Shamone m*f*s!

Do people have such a paranoid lack of faith in public leaders that they are required to cry in public to prove their 'human' credentials ? Its' just another form of manipulation. Generally a leader crying for him or herself is either weak or a manipulative liar in my opinion. And it makes the west look weak to those non democratic regimes which are encouraged by signs of weakness. And of course we dont control how the public interprets it , the media does. Bah Humbug !
I don't that anyone (and certainly not me) suggested that public leaders are now required to cry in public for any reason.
I didn't see the clip, but did she actually cry? I thought she just got emotional and looked like she was about to cry. Maybe she decided to let her emotions show?

She got tired and emotional, annr. Do we really want Eamon Dunphy's fingers on the nuclear button?
Three issues having nothing to do with the right of the candidates to be elected keep interfering with transmission of the key ideas those candidates actually stand for. They would be sexism for Hilary (which might explain her portrayal as cold and unliked, hence her tears as the solution), racism in the context of Obama and ageism in the context of Obama.

Well many of those regimes where women are 2nd class citizens would interpret a woman in power as a weakness anyway whether she was bawling or not.

Yeah but it gives them yet another soundbite for their own home grown propaganda.

I don't that anyone (and certainly not me) suggested that public leaders are now required to cry in public for any reason.

I'm referring to the American system. Very little of what they say is unscripted. I wouldnt be surprised if Hilarys' handlers had responded to the criticism of her as an 'iron lady' by telling her to soften her image up just so. Margaret Thatcher went through a similar transformation at the advice of her handlers according to a BBC documentary I saw many moons ago.

It all just reminds me of the Nixon puppy incident where the Richard Nixon got given inappropriate gifts which in office (Bertie anyone?) and when pulled up on this
he said he couldnt give the puppy back as his daughter loved it so much and it would break all their hearts. Cue more votes for being human for which quality 99% of us should be in office. The big fallacy is it had nothing to do with guilt or innocence. Similarly public emotion has nothing to do with the ability to govern but cynically it can improve electability among the American public.