Do we want a cry baby as the world's most powerful person?

Don't most of the candidates have their own websites that go into a bit more detail ?

E.g Ron Paul is at

It covers his stance on various issues. You will also learn that Ron Paul is a practicing gynecologist. In fact, he’s the only presidential candidate to tell women to take off their clothes more times than Bill Clinton.
Yes, the US media does go into more detail, especially local media coverage (local being State or city media, both of which are bigger than our national media).
Our coverage is shallow and biased, just like we accuse their media of being.
It covers his stance on various issues. You will also learn that Ron Paul is a practicing gynecologist. In fact, he’s the only presidential candidate to tell women to take off their clothes more times than Bill Clinton.
Given the choice between a black man, a woman or a Republican for president, Do you think Americans may chose another Republican for the job?

Is the USA ready for a black president or female president?
Is the USA ready for a black president or female president?

IMO yes but whether Hillary and Obama are the candidates who can pull it off is another question.

The "Hillary cried, Obama died" storyline was very common after NH but others noted that Obama became less popular under NH scrutiny.

Obama had been canonised by the media and has had a free pass up to now.

But like Hillary he is, by some reports, at core, a down-the-line liberal Democrat

And it's those lefty-lib leanings - if confirmed - might trip them up - more so than race or gender.
..has anyone ever seen Ralph Wiggum and George W Bush in the same room at the same time???

Is the USA ready for a black president or female president?

Well.... Words to 'America' by Morrisey.....

America your head's too big,
Because America, Your belly is too big.
And I love you, I just wish you'd stay where you is

In America, The land of the free, they said,
And of opportunity, In a just and a truthful way.
But where the president, is never black, female or gay, and until that day,
you've got nothing to say to me, to help me believe
I would be more worried about Hillary's bitterness issues from Bill's infidelity. More so than the fact she's a cry baby and has anger issues.

Look at all the dictators in the past. They all come from unhappy backgrounds, and were weak. It's ok to come from an unhappy childhood and be strong because then you will accept it.
But Hilary crying prooves that she is a weak attention seeker, who looks for the sympathy of the US.
IMO if Hillary gets into office we have another terrible president.
Looks like the tears are starting to rub off - now [broken link removed] is at it also
Oh yeah! Imagine Churchill: "We will fight them on the beaches...blurb, blurb" "We will never surrender...blurb blurb, I want my mammy"

That would really inspire confidence.

It would actually inspire confidence for me, that someone is confident enough in themselves to show their emotions in public.

To be honest, the 'cry baby' and 'I want my mammy' slagging sounds far more childish to me than any tears.
I think she was faking, either that or she is emotionally unstable.

I'd prefer to know that she was faking because if it's the other then i'd be worried about her running a country that has atomic weapons.

I bet you'd find a few countries that would like to test her just like when that young whipper snapper Kennedy got into power.
Faking is indeed a possibility, but on the other hand, I don't accept that tears in public are a sign of emotional instability. To link this with nuclear weapons is just slightly stretching the credibility of the point.