Do we want a cry baby as the world's most powerful person?

Duke of Marmalade

Registered User
Imagine Hillary as Presi. First time the Russians beat the Yanks at basketball, she would have a good long cry and then nuke them.
Imagine Hillary as Presi. First time the Russians beat the Yanks at basketball, she would have a good long cry and then nuke them.

Not entirely sure about Obama's presidential gravitas either.

Can't remember the exact quote but on returning from a trip to England he apparently blabbed excitedly, something along the lines of:

"They let me sit in Churchill's chair and everything!"
What odds it's all moot and the Republicans will sweep back in anyway? I think NH suggested how little one should depend on the pollsters anyway...
Democrats in the US - who sometimes try to out-liberal each other - are in a jam. Is it more enlightened to support a woman or a black man for president ?
One suggestion to solve this problem and unite the party is that Hilary and Obama should step aside and let Oprah Winfrey run
Seemingly Bertie gave Hilary a call & said to her - 'hey I say ya crying on da telly da uder night!' and she replied 'well it worked for you Bertie!'

I think NH suggested how little one should depend on the pollsters anyway...

Despite all the predictions by the pollsters, Hillary Clinton refused to roll over. (I wonder how many times has Bill heard that?).
C'mon guys, it's so obvious she was faking it, however, she's provided
all you simple minded fools with an opportunity to make some really bad jokes.
After the NH victory Bill Clinton started to give quite a good speech for his wife. He said, "There are two things I want to say about Hillary. First, I'd still vote for her even if we had never married . . . and . . . Sorry, I forgot the second one . . . I'm still thinking about if we never got married."

Also Obama failed to win in NH after getting 100% of the black vote - a guy named Larry.
One suggestion to solve this problem and unite the party is that Hilary and Obama should step aside and let Oprah Winfrey run

Bono was asked a few years back if he'd ever fancy being the Irish President, his reply was 'I couldn't take the paycut!'. Oprah would likely have the same answer!
Anyone else of the opinion that most of the broadcast and printed media coverage in this part of the world seems to focus purely on look and feel issues (Clinton's tears, Obama's "popstar" status, the religious beliefs of various Republican candidates etc.) without actually informing us what the different candidates' political policies are?

Yes good point - but maybe there isn't much to report in terms of "real isshues" (as Gerry Adams would say) as they haven't said/revealed much.

Every time I've heard Clinton or Obama speak in recent months it's always been very vague, soundbite filled, general optimism about "a great nation again" and "equality". (which is not unusual in US politics)

They sound like contestants in a Miss California pageant.
Because they are electing the person, not the party. The policies are hashed out at party conventions after the candidate has been selected.
Because they are electing the person, not the party. The policies are hashed out at party conventions after the candidate has been selected.
Yeah - but it would make sense to elect the person based on their broad political agenda. Having casually followed the coverage here I honestly have no idea what the broad political and economic agendas of the different candidates on both sides are. I'm just wondering if our media coverage is overlooking brass tacks stuff that is covered in more detail in the US?