Do men find fake tan attractive

People in their twenties really do seem to have a generic look nowadays. There was a time when you'd really notice a good looking person because they looked really different and individual. Nowadays younger girls all seem to look the same.

Couldnt agree more. Was in a pub in Ranelagh recently and was totally amazed at how groomed the girls in their early 20s were (very generic looks though). Literally hordes of similarly styled young women, fake tan, poker straight dyed blonde hair, sky high heels, manicured nails, plucked eyebrows, designer handbags, clouds of expensive perfume, 'label' clothing, statement jewellery. Not only that but to add insult to injury I was like a midget in land of the giants - how have all these girls grown so tall with the long legs etc???

In my early 20s I had wildly untamed home trimmed and home dyed red hair, no fake tan, very bitten nails, never even heard of eyebrow plucking, wore doc martens with everything, not sure if I even owned a handbag, perfume was the longest lasting body shop perfume oil they had, and chances were I was wearing something from a charity shop, or a hand me down, or my one 'good' top, jewellery was something my granny wore. I honestly dont know how I ever scored!! I wouldnt have a chance against todays super groomed young women thats for sure!!
Was in a pub in Ranelagh recently and was totally amazed at how groomed the girls in their early 20s were (very generic looks though). Literally hordes of similarly styled young women, fake tan, poker straight dyed blonde hair, sky high heels, manicured nails, plucked eyebrows, designer handbags, clouds of expensive perfume, 'label' clothing, statement jewellery. Not only that but to add insult to injury I was like a midget in land of the giants - how have all these girls grown so tall with the long legs etc???

Yes that sounds appalling alright.

Ehhhh......just out of curiosity of course, what pub in Ranelagh was it and what time of the week were you there?
Couldnt agree more. Was in a pub in Ranelagh recently and was totally amazed at how groomed the girls in their early 20s were (very generic looks though). Literally hordes of similarly styled young women, fake tan, poker straight dyed blonde hair, sky high heels, manicured nails, plucked eyebrows, designer handbags, clouds of expensive perfume, 'label' clothing, statement jewellery. Not only that but to add insult to injury I was like a midget in land of the giants - how have all these girls grown so tall with the long legs etc???,

I think they are clones and are taking over our pubs and clubs and restaurants and maybe even the world and the rest of us are ALL GOING TO DIE. :(
Yes that sounds appalling alright.

Ehhhh......just out of curiosity of course, what pub in Ranelagh was it and what time of the week were you there?

lol - was wondering who would be first to ask that :)
It was McSorleys, a saturday night - go enjoy!!
My sister in law - who is more than 10 years younger than me - cant believe that I would consider getting dollied up to go out WITHOUT fake tan. When she points it out Im like 'meh - not interested', she just doesnt get it, in her mind its as bad as forgetting to do your hair to go out. It must be a generational thing, none of my own friends are really bothered by fake tan one way or the other, but the younger ladies seem to think its absolutely necessary.

I did fake tan myself recently for a wedding, very light, I was quite pleased with the result but then I forgot about it and went for a swim the morning of the wedding, result - chlorine bleached that tan right off!!

Im happy enough with the milk bottle look, if Nicole Kidman can get away with it........

I love the porcelain look myself like Scarlett Jonasson and Rachel McAdams (with brown hair) but I have pink undertones that I'm not keen on. I use a light coating of wash off tan. MAC and Make Up For Ever do a face and body make up which is sheer but evens out the skin tone. I prefer these but they are hard to get in the west and a bit spendy, €30 compared to less than a tenner for the wash offs.

I agree about younger people, not tanning up is a mortal sin in their eyes. Some grow out of it, my friend who really should have known better use to spray tan once a week. She doesn't anymore, either it's the recession or she saw her orange self in too many pics.
On the other-hand,I suppose we are lucky that if we have an imperfection, there is now a way to improve it, one that's usually in our eyes only.And seems big to us.

I think its great that we dont have to have purple legs (sorry Purple :) ),that we can cover our spots,that we can straighten our hair or curl it.
Its all about having the choice and we are lucky that we have the choice.
Unlike most men,sure God love them ,what can they do except change their shirts/shave or not shave,hair on head or no hair..
Yessss,its great to be a woman!
I for one,love getting dressed up,putting on make up,doing my hair,wearing the car to bar hi heels , it..
Agree completly with the posters who are talking about he tangoed look,its horrific.
If you have ever watched a programme called,"snog ,Marry, Avoid" you see most of them look like that,and almost every time the the tangoed ones get the "Avoid" vote.
But sure each to their own,if it makes them feel better well good luck to them,its also the culture they are living in,and whats "in" among their peers.
I see lots of young girls and I have to say with their fab hair,figures,tans(false) etc they look stunning..they dont need all those extras they are fab anyway..but try telling them that!
Now I draw the line at those eyelash extensions where they look the daisy the cow!
Myself and my friend were out walking the other night at about 9pm. There were 2 girls all dressed up and one had on platform shoes and a very short skirt which showed her 6 foot long legs at their best.

I went "God bless her legs and fair play to her for showing them off". Two seconds later I went "Sure she's right to show them off now cos one day she'll have cellulite like the rest of us".
On the other-hand,I suppose we are lucky that if we have an imperfection, there is now a way to improve it, one that's usually in our eyes only.And seems big to us.

I think its great that we dont have to have purple legs (sorry Purple :) ),that we can cover our spots,that we can straighten our hair or curl it.
Its all about having the choice and we are lucky that we have the choice.
Unlike most men,sure God love them ,what can they do except change their shirts/shave or not shave,hair on head or no hair..
Yessss,its great to be a woman!
I for one,love getting dressed up,putting on make up,doing my hair,wearing the car to bar hi heels , it..
Agree completly with the posters who are talking about he tangoed look,its horrific.
If you have ever watched a programme called,"snog ,Marry, Avoid" you see most of them look like that,and almost every time the the tangoed ones get the "Avoid" vote.
But sure each to their own,if it makes them feel better well good luck to them,its also the culture they are living in,and whats "in" among their peers.
I see lots of young girls and I have to say with their fab hair,figures,tans(false) etc they look stunning..they dont need all those extras they are fab anyway..but try telling them that!
Now I draw the line at those eyelash extensions where they look the daisy the cow!

I agree it's nice to dress up and try to look your best. But nowadays that seems to mean looking the same as every other girl in the pub or club. 'When I were a youngster', people had their own look and style and genuinely good looking girls or girls with a great dress sense really stood out from the crowd. I remember there were certain girls at work and you would look every day to see what they were wearing because they had such a great individual sense of style. That doesn't seem to happen anymore. Everyone seems to look very similar and dress pretty similar.
I agree it's nice to dress up and try to look your best. But nowadays that seems to mean looking the same as every other girl in the pub or club. 'When I were a youngster', people had their own look and style and genuinely good looking girls or girls with a great dress sense really stood out from the crowd. I remember there were certain girls at work and you would look every day to see what they were wearing because they had such a great individual sense of style. That doesn't seem to happen anymore. Everyone seems to look very similar and dress pretty similar.
I see where you are coming from..
Though I do remeber in my own younger days,that we wanted to have the latest fashion as well,so in that respect not much has changed.When I look back at the photos we all had BIG hair,permed to within an inch of our life.
Nowadays there are still some who look different such as those who choose to wear vintage,those who are the "surfer" type,Emos etc.

Would it be fair to say that youth have their "Uniform"? No matter what year you were born,it seems that there is a fashion of the time that most teens want to wear.
Look at the 60s ,the 70s the 80s etc,they all had their fashion of the day.
I see where you are coming from..
Though I do remeber in my own younger days,that we wanted to have the latest fashion as well,so in that respect not much has changed.When I look back at the photos we all had BIG hair,permed to within an inch of our life.
Nowadays there are still some who look different such as those who choose to wear vintage,those who are the "surfer" type,Emos etc.

Would it be fair to say that youth have their "Uniform"? No matter what year you were born,it seems that there is a fashion of the time that most teens want to wear.
Look at the 60s ,the 70s the 80s etc,they all had their fashion of the day.


I suppose because people didn't have much money in those days they had to customise their clothes more, and make do with whatever hair colour/skin tone they had. Obviously, for most people that probably meant looking a bit dull and ordinary. But for good looking people or those with a bit of natural flair, it meant a really individual head turning look.
I just think a lot of young people nowadays have no imagination and just want the long straight dyed blonde hair, skinny jeans, heavy made up look that just makes them very forgettable.
I was in Dundrum Shopping Centre today and noticing the 'uniform of youth' as well. Lot of young people in the same style. Lot of very young guys (young teenagers) with poofy hair - some very impressive hairstyles!!!

I think we all did follow the fashion of the day but it feels a bit like today has a more 'avergae' fashion look. When I was a teenager/early 20s there were more different 'looks' to choose from. I didnt see one young punk, goth, emo, rocker or townie in Dundrum today - just a lot of slightly posh looking similarly styled people.

@SoylentGreen - I dont know - I was only in the ladies loos :)
@truthseeker, what is a "townie"?

Remember you are unique..just like everyone else:)

I think if you go into certain areas you will see the different types,like Temple bar for example you will see a lot of Vintage dressed types, and rockers .punks etc,so perhaps Dundrum is just not their thing?

A punk/emo/goth probably wont have much interest in the shops in Dundrum,but if you go upstairs in the Stephens green centre or to the Georges St arcade in Dublin you will see them.
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A gallery of pictures of when fake tan goes wrong & the one that ney001 posted is amongst those! How can fak etan go sooo wrong? and how comes nobody around them tell them????? Or let them leave their house like that!