Do AAM members support the PublicService union(s) threat to strike over pension levy?

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Re: Do AAM members support the PS union(s) threat to strike over the pension levy?

good lad
Re: Possible public sector strike

The reality is that at the present time the country cannot afford to pay social welfare, public sector pay or anything else at present levels. Who deserves what is now a moot point.

I'm surprised the social welfare issue has not been mentioned more in the media. It has been constantly stated that because governemnt revenue has dropped, we can not afford a public wage bill of €20 billion. Fair point.
However no one in the media seems to want to stick their neck out and say 'The social welfare bill is similar to the public pay bill - can we not afford that either?'

The introduction of the pension levy will be a stroll in the park compared to cutting dole and old age pension.
Re: Possible public sector strike

No-one will cut the old age pension. Ernest Blythe is still remembered with disfavour for doing so back in 1924.

I take it there's still no VAT on children's shoes either?
Re: Possible public sector strike

No-one will cut the old age pension. Ernest Blythe is still remembered with disfavour for doing so back in 1924.

I take it there's still no VAT on children's shoes either?

Yes, they will continue to do what is politically acceptable rather than economically necessary.
Re: Possible public sector strike

No-one will cut the old age pension. Ernest Blythe is still remembered with disfavour for doing so back in 1924.

I take it there's still no VAT on children's shoes either?

I don't think they will cut old age pension either, considering they would not cut people on civil servant pensions.
However, the wage bill and social welfare make up approx €40 billion of total government expenditure. If they don't touch social welfare bill and take €900 million from wage bill, you have to wonder where the rest of the €15 billion cuts will come from
Re: Possible public sector strike

you have to wonder where the rest of the €15 billion cuts will come from

A crock of gold at the end of the rainbow.

The IMF is paying us a visit in :

It will be interesting to see what they report.
Re: Do AAM members support the PublicService union(s) threat to strike over pension l

On the issue of public sector unions using the strike weapon to force a Govt change-of-mind about the pension levy, I think that would be counter-productive.

a. The people most hurt by strike action are the public, including those already made redundant. I just cannot see how striking would help anything here.

b. The unions would be sending the wrong message to the rest of the country. Stopping work to complain about a pay reduction, and returning to their permanent, pensionable jobs the next day. Seems very selfish.
320000+ people have already made the ultimate sacrifice - unemployment.
Will we see mass marches from them ?

c. The effect on the economy due to disruption to public services can only make a bad situation worse.

As someone pointed out earlier, the public and private sector needs to unite against the real culprits - (ie Govt, senior bankers, developers) who got us all into this mess.
Re: Do AAM members support the PublicService union(s) threat to strike over pension l

Do AAM members support the public sector union(s) in their call for strike action in protest against the pension levy?

I don't support the public sector union. I know it's a very bitter pill to swallow but I think they must take this on the chin. Of course the union have to be seen to fight back or else people will simply call them toothless and spineless. At the end of the day Public service employees have job security and still will have an excellent pension when they retire. They are not being asked to take a pay cut, rather to pay more for this pension. That's not the same thing. The country is in dire straits. Expenditure has to be curbed fast. This is a good place to start.
I don't wish to antagonize Public Sector employees. I have 3 family members who are affected by this. Private sector workers are losing their jobs. Next could be their homes. Public service workers have no such worries. This will be their contribution to the mess we are in. A mess, granted, they didn't create but that's neither here nor there anymore.
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