Do AAM members support the PublicService union(s) threat to strike over pension levy?

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Re: Possible public sector strike

hmm i'll be back on pay then but on holidays so what happens there?
Re: Possible public sector strike

Do AAM members support the public sector union(s) in their call for strike action in protest against the pension levy?
I do. A one day strike and protest would be no harm to put a shot across the bow of the Government rather than just lie down and take it. I don't expect them to undo it but the Government's expectations need to be managed to the effect that the public sector will not accept any further unilateral cuts. I, I suspect like most public sector workers, would be opposed to any prolonged strike action.

The Government are to blame here so I'm sure they are happy that many private sector workers and the media are distracted blaming public workers. Ten years ago I decided to move to the public sector, for less money, to avail of better conditions and better job security; others on AAM did the same. It was open to all to get a public sector job over the last number of years but there was, until recent times, more money to be made (and less security) in the private sector.
Re: Possible public sector strike

One day strike will save the Government one days pay to each striker. A strike lasting a couple of weeks would do wonders for the exchequer.
Re: Possible public sector strike

One day strike will save the Government one days pay to each striker. A strike lasting a couple of weeks would do wonders for the exchequer.

It would also do wonders for those wanting to collect social welfare, needing passports, needing visas etc.
Re: Possible public sector strike

over the last number of years but there was, until recent times, more money to be made (and less security) in the private sector.
This is untrue. The public sector gets paid more than the private sector and the gap has increased, not decreased, over the last few years.
Re: Possible public sector strike

This is untrue. The public sector gets paid more than the private sector and the gap has increased, not decreased, over the last few years.

Very general statement to more.

Guy in a bank gets paid more than someone running the country ( not that both aren't overpaid in the 1st place !!! )
Re: Possible public sector strike

I congratulate the government and it's media friends for their successful apartheid approach. They have deflected and buried the real problem by dressing it in a public/private debate.

I support a strike. I'm absolutely livid.

Perhaps someone can explain this to me... I know a couple who are a consultant and nurse. The nurse is expected to pay 6-7% of her 40k salary in "pension" contributions whilst the consultant is not on his 250k salary.

Why should I pay more tax - because that is what it is - than doctors, dentists, solicitors and accountants all of whom earn more than I do?

Why should I pay more tax when 40% of the workforce pay none?

The government squandered the last decade. It leaves the bankers who caused a lot of this mess in charge. It's a shambolic approach to fiscal responsibility. I for one won't lie down and take it.
Re: Possible public sector strike

Very general statement to more.

Guy in a bank gets paid more than someone running the country ( not that both aren't overpaid in the 1st place !!! )
Yes, it is a very general statement. The trouble with the whole pay debate is that everyone can pick specific cased where someone on one side or the other is getting paid too much or too little. When an employee asks for a pay increase there should be too questions asked; 1) Do they deserve it/are they worth it and 2) can we afford it (we being the employer). If the answer to either question is no then there should be no pay increase. The reality is that at the present time the country cannot afford to pay social welfare, public sector pay or anything else at present levels. Who deserves what is now a moot point.
Re: Possible public sector strike

Yes, it is a very general statement. The trouble with the whole pay debate is that everyone can pick specific cased where someone on one side or the other is getting paid too much or too little. When an employee asks for a pay increase there should be too questions asked; 1) Do they deserve it/are they worth it and 2) can we afford it (we being the employer). If the answer to either question is no then there should be no pay increase. The reality is that at the present time the country cannot afford to pay social welfare, public sector pay or anything else at present levels. Who deserves what is now a moot point.

True and good post. But i say start at the top because the ones at the bottom always end up apying. Perhaps we should kick up once and for all.
Re: Possible public sector strike

I don't believe so, it is the CPSU that are striking on Feb 26. The nurses have been asked at the moment to put pressure on their local TD, but they have not ruled out striking.
Re: Possible public sector strike

Out of curiosity are the goals of the strikers simply that the Pensions levy be cancelled?

If the government offered Public servants the choice of not being in the DB pension scheme (therefore no levy), would public workers accept it?
Re: Possible public sector strike

i think it is more to do with the government not listening to the unions. The unions didn't agree to the levy so it follows that the unions must put a ballot to their members otherwise they arent very good at their job
Re: Possible public sector strike

Do AAM members support the public sector union(s) in their call for strike action in protest against the pension levy?


Seems the government is trying to distract from the state of the country by waging a war between public and private sector workers. What we really need to do is get together and wage a war against the government so that they actually sit down with something other than the back of an envelope and come up with a detailed well thought out plan where the figures add up that give people a heads up and what to expect for the next five years.

What the Government is try to do is deny its own direct role through their policies in our current woes. They created a property bubble, with keen assistance from their builder chums. Naturally, the complete lack of interest by FF in any sort of proper planning since the 1960's has aided this too.

Indeed, Dermot Ahern's response to RTE's Primetime (see link below) last week illustrates this point. He said “no one really is responsible. It just happened that we hit a wall. There are international factors”, did you ever hear such complete rubbish!

[broken link removed]
Re: Possible public sector strike

Do AAM members support the public sector union(s) in their call for strike action in protest against the pension levy?


The public service pension levy applies only to the public service. It does not apply to the ESB and other commercial semi state publlic sector organisations.

I suggest your question should read: Do AAM members support the public service union(s) in their call for strike action in protest against the pension levy?

This is a small but very important disctinction!:)

Re: Possible public sector strike


The public service pension levy applies only to the public service. It does not apply to the ESB and other commercial semi state publlic sector organisations.

I suggest your question should read: Do AAM members support the public service union(s) in their call for strike action in protest against the pension levy?

This is a small but very important disctinction!:)

Fair enough, feel free to edit the title.
Re: Possible public sector strike

What I am finding interesting is the reaction of private sector staff in unions towards the public sector over the levy. I know people in Impact and SIPTU who work in the private sector and are furious over the public sector staff response on the levy because they have a concern that if the public sector staff " get away with this" (not my words, but what someone said to me over the weekend) then the Govt will only end up taxing private sector workers even more.
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