DK Windows in liquidation - owing €1.5m in customer deposits

Brendan Burgess


Dozens of customers of a Dublin-based windows and doors company that went into liquidation late last week have expressed anger and concern that money they paid as recently as two weeks ago will never be recovered.

One couple who contacted The Irish Times said they stood to lose close to €50,000 after provisional liquidators from Grant Thornton were appointed by the High Court to DK Windows & Doors, a company based in Dublin 12 that has been supplying windows and doors to both developers and consumers since 2005.

The company – which boasts on its website of having featured in RTÉ’s Room To Improve series – said in a petition to the High Court, that it had built up €1.5 million of customer deposits but had run out of cash.
Not sure on the chargeback expiry period (if theres such a thing).
These orders were likely paid months and months ago, imagine they had to pay a good deposit as well.
According to some posters on, in recent months the company were demanding bank transfers rather than card payments.

That was a signal that there were issues, from the outset....

Granted, there are charges associated with card payments, but the simple solution to that is either absorb them, or try to pass them on to the customer.

Likewise, any business looking for big advance deposits, sounds like a business under serious cashflow pressure, or a business that has problems obtaining trade credit. Either way, proceed with the utmost caution and don't hand over large advance payments.
How did the couple part with 50k before the job was done ? Must have been some job or maybe it was Ronan & Ronan.