Diesel Price VS Petrol

Making a complaint to the NCA about the price of diesel is absolutely pointless. They have no more control over market forces in the oil/diesel market than they have to stop the tides.
Making a complaint to the NCA about the price of diesel is absolutely pointless. They have no more control over market forces in the oil/diesel market than they have to stop the tides.

Do you really believe it is only market forces?

I don't;)
How about starting a RIP-Off Diesel Thread.

For the last few months my local tesco Petrol Station has had Diesel Prices the same as Petrol prices.

2 Weeks ago, the cost was €1.11.9 per Litre for Both petrol and diesel.
Last week it was €1.15.9 for both Petrol and Diesel.
This morning it was €1.20.9 for Diesel and €1.18.9 for Petrol.

Lets name and shame the garages that Charge More for Diesel than for petrol and maybe give a rating as how big a rip-off it is.
At the same time we could have recommended garages to fill up from.

Theres 1 garage on the N11 charging a full 11c more per litre for Diesel than petrol. In fact his basic petrol price is more than most diesel prices.

Its strange that the two garages in Kilmacanogue (across the road from each other) always have exactly the same prices.
Its strange that the two garages in Kilmacanogue (across the road from each other) always have exactly the same prices.
Surely this is just a sign of competition within the local market?
Since both stations are in the same area it is reasonable to presume that they have a similar cost base.
Should the government reduce the tax take on Diesel/Petrol? What is the percentage they take?

If inflation is important to keep down then is this not an easy way of doing it.
Have a look http://www.ipia.ie/Issues/upload/What_determines_pump-prices.pdf (here) for a pdf on how prices are arrived at for petrol and diesel in Ireland. The pdf was not opening for me earlier but I cound open it in html format.
I don't think there is a garage in England that charges less for diesel than petrol. All those that I pass charge approximately 8p (sterling ) more per litre.
Its got to do with the way oil is refined, refineries are geared to make petrol and diesel, and i think it is impossible just to make diesel as they are taken off at different stages in the refining process, i think it is a stupid policy to encourage more domestic cars to use diesel , diesel is critical for agriculture and freight transportation, trucks etc, if the price of diesel is pushed up because of use in cars, then it will add further upward pressure to food prices, both from production and transportation
Diesel is more expensive than petrol in every station that I have passed in the last month. It's over 133 now here in Cork.
Surely this is just a sign of competition within the local market?
Since both stations are in the same area it is reasonable to presume that they have a similar cost base.

Well they used to compete against each other about 3 years ago. Ie there was a different price on one side of the road than the other.

You would think that at one time you would actually see a variation in price, if true competition existed. I believe there is an unwritten agreement to match prices between the two stations.
Diesel prices are going crazy at the moment. In most places it's now above €1.40 a litre! How did we get from a situation where it was about 10% cheaper than petrol to now, where it is 10% dearer, in the space of a few months?
That, combined with the greens screwing anyone who currently drives an environmentally friendly car is making me wonder why I changed to diesel at all!
Do ye reckon diesel prices will remain higher than petrol, or is there any light on the horizon? Truckers are protesting in the UK and France, and fishermen are too. Can anything be done about diesel prices?
Yes if cars go back to using petrol, smaller economical petrol cars, everything was in balance opto this point, it is a huge mistake to encourage cars to use diesel, this is because diesel is essential for transportation, agriculture, fishing mining, etc, it is not essential for cars where petrol can also be used, the big secret in all this is that petrol has to be made anyway, there is a certain amount of perol and diesel in every barrel of oil which is extrracted at refining, you cannot just make all diesel, the maxol spokesman said this on RTE news, a certain number of products are in every barrel of oil including petrol and diesel, for some reason people are not taking this in, they refuse to believe it is this basic