Ok, it's half-time and I welcome this diversion! I already explained why your post was disappointing.
In relation to your incorrect comment about my desire to not hold financial advisers to account, please refer to post #45 where I specifically highlighted the need to investigate the checks and role performed by financial advisers in all of this. You should read other people's post before commenting - even if they are not using their real names!

On a serious note, it's a little irritating that you completely misrepresent what I said.
Anyway, do you understand the CBI's mandate? If so, can you explain how each of its three key consumer protection goals, as quoted (please refer to post #53), were addressed in relation to this product and as set out in post #45 (please read it), what changes need to be made to properly protect consumers? I take it that you understand that all firms means, well, all firms! I take it also that you understand that consumers were not well protected here.
It would also be helpful if you explain the purpose of your visit to the Central Bank. The way you are portraying it now is like this crowd developed a really terrible product and that your main concern is that financial advisers are selling it!
I remain convinced that the much broader approach suggested by me (including, as you have missed it previously, the role of financial advisers) is better.
I admit it was probably a mistake on my part engaging with you earlier (past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future but it is informative). My main purpose in commenting (please read post #45) is that I believe that consumers were not adequately protected, as previously stated, in...…..
….relation to the creation and distribution of this product
Finally, please note that I have adequately answered your questions. It will be interesting to see if you will do likewise......I won't be holding my
souffle - past performance and all that!