diability and widowers pension (65yo)



A relitive of mine has been recieving disability and his widowers pension. he is 65 years of age. They recently stopped his disability saying it only lasts so long and that his had now ran out. Could anyone tell me if this is right and if so what should he now claim.

Re: diability and pension


Disability Benefit (now known as Illness Benefit) is only paid to a person who is under age 66. The length of payment also depends on the number of PRSI Contributions.

In your relative's case because he is getting Widower's Pension (Contributory) there is a fixed time period that Illness Benefit is paid for. He would have been paid for 12 or 15 months. Have a look here.


The only thing that he may apply for now is Supplementary Welfare Allowance (not the actual SWA but the exceptional needs payment part).


He should contact his local HSE Office where the Community Welfare Officer will advise him.

Finally - have a look here to make sure he is getting any extra payments like Fuel Allowance etc. http://www.welfare.ie/publications/sw25.html#10

Hope this helps