Devil takes up residence in the Vatican

Fair point.. But if creationism is where things started (God created man/woman/animals etc..) then who created God? Did he create himself or was there a big bang in the cosmos billions of light years ago which created God?

Great question. I honestly think that we do not have the intellectual capability to answer these type of questions. Another one...where does space end - do you get to a point where you hit a wall...what's on the other side of the wall. What's the largest number (infinity)? What about infinity +1, or infinity +1 +1......
We will all know one day, or maybe we wont, maybe we will just cease to exist
As Voltaire mused, "If God didn't exist man would have invented Him". Like most things, the Devil is in the detail , so both entities are inextricably linked. If this is correct then both of these jokers co-exist in St. Peter's chair but Old Nick's star is in the ascendent at the moment. This has nothing to do with the Age of Aquarius - purely because Vatican officials refused to "Let the Sunshine in"
I personally think humans evolved with the help of humans from the Twelve Colonies who came to this version of earth and I don’t care which of the Lords of Kobol created this version of earth. I’m thankful they did.

Yea, but Caprica has been a big disappointment.
Read today that a priest in the USA has called for the Pope to stand down. If this rallying call gathers momentum it may cause the heirarchy to rethink. Has a Pope stepped down before?
Read today that a priest in the USA has called for the Pope to stand down. If this rallying call gathers momentum it may cause the heirarchy to rethink. Has a Pope stepped down before?

I read this book recently - "The fisherman's net: the influence of the Popes on history". Written by a priest I think. Fascinating stuff with the popes being a law unto themselves. A few popes abdicated and there were several "anti-popes" where there were dispute on who was the rightful pope e.g. the French cardinals (influenced by king) had a pope in Avignon and the Italian cardinals had their pope in Rome. At one point there were 3 anti-popes.
It seems that the Cardinal of Vienna has [broken link removed] and is now naming names in the Vaticans cover up of child sexual abuse.
Good for him. But we need a few more bigwigs coming forward to be heard. As the OP says, St Peter's Chair may have an imposter. Dan Browne could learn a thing or two from these (mostly) well fed bishops and cardinals. This fasting and humility/penitence doesn't seem to have penetrated their hypocritical aurae. This post will be deleted if not edited immediately wept!