Devil takes up residence in the Vatican

Fair point.. But if creationism is where things started (God created man/woman/animals etc..) then who created God? Did he create himself or was there a big bang in the cosmos billions of light years ago which created God?

Great question. I honestly think that we do not have the intellectual capability to answer these type of questions. Another one...where does space end - do you get to a point where you hit a wall...what's on the other side of the wall. What's the largest number (infinity)? What about infinity +1, or infinity +1 +1......
As Voltaire mused, "If God didn't exist man would have invented Him". Like most things, the Devil is in the detail :), so both entities are inextricably linked. If this is correct then both of these jokers co-exist in St. Peter's chair but Old Nick's star is in the ascendent at the moment. This has nothing to do with the Age of Aquarius - purely because Vatican officials refused to "Let the Sunshine in" :D
I personally think humans evolved with the help of humans from the Twelve Colonies who came to this version of earth and I don’t care which of the Lords of Kobol created this version of earth. I’m thankful they did.

Yea, but Caprica has been a big disappointment.
Read today that a priest in the USA has called for the Pope to stand down. If this rallying call gathers momentum it may cause the heirarchy to rethink. Has a Pope stepped down before?
Read today that a priest in the USA has called for the Pope to stand down. If this rallying call gathers momentum it may cause the heirarchy to rethink. Has a Pope stepped down before?

I read this book recently - "The fisherman's net: the influence of the Popes on history". Written by a priest I think. Fascinating stuff with the popes being a law unto themselves. A few popes abdicated and there were several "anti-popes" where there were dispute on who was the rightful pope e.g. the French cardinals (influenced by king) had a pope in Avignon and the Italian cardinals had their pope in Rome. At one point there were 3 anti-popes.
It seems that the Cardinal of Vienna has [broken link removed] and is now naming names in the Vaticans cover up of child sexual abuse.
Good for him. But we need a few more bigwigs coming forward to be heard. As the OP says, St Peter's Chair may have an imposter. Dan Browne could learn a thing or two from these (mostly) well fed bishops and cardinals. This fasting and humility/penitence doesn't seem to have penetrated their hypocritical aurae. This post will be deleted if not edited immediately wept!