Devil takes up residence in the Vatican

Can we break it down to this?
1. Do you completely denounce all forms of Creationism.
2. Do you believe Evolution to be true?
Yes and yes.

Okay that's fine.
I prefer to keep an open mind. Years ago, I thought Evolution was scientific fact, until I started reading the Creationists' view point. Unless someone comes up with a proof for one or the other, I'll keep questioning both theories.

There are plenty of sites and forums dedicated to Creationism Vs Evolution, so I don't think we are going to get anywhere here. It's unfortunate that you appear to have made your mind up.
I have also made my mind up. I read about the recurrent laryngeal nerve and that did it for me. It satisfied me on the theory of eveolution.

If you are not squemish take a look at the following:

Why on earth would any one have created sucha nerve for the giraffe?
I prefer to keep an open mind.

I also like to keep an open mind. If anyone presents one shred of scientific evidence to support creationism I will look at it. If that evidence leads to a more convincing theory supporting creationism over evolution them I will accept it.
Can you point to one single piece of evidence to support creationism?

[Reply = same post, but with creationism/evolution reversed.]

1 The fact that you speak of here is that observations have been made and theories deduced, and those theories have lead to what exactly? A conclusion maybe? I'm not ruling anything out, but nobody can point to the answer yet.

2 Read a few books! Start with junior cert level biology.
So the first human and their creation can be traced through the medium of literature even at junior cert level, if only i wasn't being brainwashed in bible studies I might have read it.

3 Evolutionary theory is what links many known facts into a holistic proposition. What you say above is akin to saying that because we cannot conclusively prove that time is not a constant there could be a fairy city under the Rock of Cashel.
And wouldn't it be great if there was one. It's just that we accept easily that there are different species of animal always being discovered, and that there are so many hidden species in the oceans of the world, but why can't we accept that anything is posssible? Our quest for scientific proof seems to lack any colourful thinking and only wants answers in black and white even when there aren't any.
Purple, for my links, type this into google or bing
'evidence for creationism'
So evolution is a fact then? Is that what you want to hear? There can be no doubt?

You'd better let the scientific community know that the theory of evolution has been upgraded to fact, courtesy of an internet search by Purple.
So evolution is a fact then? Is that what you want to hear? There can be no doubt?

You'd better let the scientific community know that the theory of evolution has been upgraded to fact, courtesy of an internet search by Purple.

Where did I say it's a fact?
So evolution is a fact then? Is that what you want to hear? There can be no doubt?

You'd better let the scientific community know that the theory of evolution has been upgraded to fact, courtesy of an internet search by Purple.

Actually the scientific community are aware it is a fact. They're also aware that most people who debate on internet forums about this tend to have no concept of what fact and theory mean in science. Fact is what we observe. We observe and have evidence (ample) for evolution, plate techtonics, black holes, gravity, etc. We theorise as to what the cause is.

Evolution = fact. Natural Selection = Theory.

Things fall due to gravity = Fact. Newton's gravitational theory was improved by Einstein's gravitational theory.

In the same way there are still gaps in our understanding of gravity, (things still fall down to the earth. The moon and earth causes our tidal system. Planets still revolve around the sun), we still have gaps in our understanding of evolution, but species still evolve over time.

And evolution is completely falsifiable. It's simple really; a human skeleton from the Jurasic Era would pretty much do that immediately.
Well put Latrade.

Most creationists accept that there is some form of adaptation. They dispute whether species evolve from other species. In that sense they dispute evolution.
They're also aware that most people who debate on internet forums about this tend to have no concept of what fact and theory mean in science. Fact is what we observe.
So to be clear, are you stating that you have no concept of what fact and theory mean in science? This is an internet forum that you are posting on.

Observation is interpreted, and this can cause problems. I do not believe there is anything you could call 'scientific fact'.
For me, a fact is something that 100% true, that can never be disproven, either now or in the future. Quite a tall order.
However, in order to study science, many things are 'accepted as fact'. Otherwise we'd never get anywhere. There is, of course, always room for doubt.

Things fall due to gravity = Fact. Newton's gravitational theory was improved by Einstein's gravitational theory.
So is Newton's law of universal gravitation a fact?
Getting back to the RCC and ongoing revelations. Norway is evolving in to the new shame for the Church ( sorry, I couldn't resist)

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–noun 1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.

2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.

3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.

4. something said to be true or supposed to have happened: The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.

So is it fact that the definition of fact can actually be bent to suit what you call a fact.