Devil takes up residence in the Vatican

this guy is head exorcist - these people actually believe in demons and devil and obsession and do exorcisms for living - he was definitely taking it literally

Not only do they believe in demons, they also believe in angels. And who is the Vatican's resident expert on the topic of angels? None other than our very own Dr Desmond Connell. So, if you want to know how many angels fit on the head of a pin, ould Des is yer man.
Here's a link to an interview with Fr Amorth, who I think is the exorcist..

[broken link removed]

I posted that story in June, 2007 on boards... in this thread.....

And a quote from the Amorth interview..

And another..

Pope John Paul II said that he who does not believe in the devil does not believe in the gospel, by which he meant that the devil is absolutely real, and present... and is as real as This post will be deleted if not edited immediately.

Of course I don't believe any of it....
Pope John Paul II said that he who does not believe in the devil does not believe in the gospel, by which he meant that the devil is absolutely real, and present...

Gabriel Byrne made a good devil in End of Days last night...
[broken link removed]

The last paragragh of this post sums it up for me...

In other developments this week, the head of a Benedictine monastery in Salzburg, Austria, admitted to sexually abusing a child decades ago and resigned. Dutch Catholic bishops announced an independent inquiry into more than 200 allegations of sexual abuse of children by priests at church schools and apologized to victims.

This problem is global and at the heart of it is the vatican who obviously knew/know what is going on.
I can't take credit for it. It was sent to me on email. I did a double take when I saw it though. What an unfortunate name for a journo on such a story.
His christian name is a euphemism for the sex act.

It's predominantly an old fashioned upper middle class English thing though so I guess it may not be universally known. I guess 'bonk' is the new one.
In the crazy world of religion, is there a chance that the Pope is the Antichrist? After all we were told that Satan is very powerful .......
Yes of course.. there's every chance... according to their own rules and view of the world.

In my view there is no antichrist anyway so no, I don't think the pope is anything other than a man, except possibly a coverer-upper, and maybe worse..

I have asked that question, on the Boards Christanity forum, whether or not the RCC could have been infilitrated by the devil or evil,.. I never really got a response.. so I rephrased the question as what mis-deed would be so serious as to cause Christians to begin to doubt the nature of the Roman Catholic Church, .. and again, no responses..

I would have thought that the current scandals would be enough to cause even the most devout of believers to doubt the veracity of the RCC, but it seems not.. even though a few people have left the church there's no landslide..

I feel the RCC is an evil, criminal organisation which lusts after power.. this is the exact opposite of what it portrays itself to be..

The fact is that no religion would appear to be true, and it is quite likely, or overwhelmingly likely, that there is no God.. only us.

The one question remains as to where the universe came from... this is tricky, but positing a God type figure gets us no closer to an answer..
Well.. where's the evidence for Gods existence? There doesn't really seem to be any at all...

I cannot disprove the existence of anything.. including The Tooth Fairy for example, or Russells Teapot. It would usually be up to the people who claim that something exists to be able to demonstrate the reasons for their belief... otherwise in virtually all cases they'd be considered crackpots... but religious belief seems to be immune from people correctly calling the beliefs delusional, to a degree that would normally warrant a stay in a lunatic asylum. Why is faith (i.e belief without evidence) afforded such protection?

I cannot give this subject fair treatment.. there are many books on the subject, well worth reading in my opinion.

I'd consider the actions of the RCC to be evidence against the existence of God... or at least evidence against the existence of the RCC god.
Christ-AntiChrist particle physics

If you collided a Christ particle and an Antichrist particle in the Large Hadron Collider would you find the God Particle?

I'll get me coat..


Why is faith afforded such protection? Well to broaden that, if you were to lock people up for believing that there were higher powers than them responsible for the creation of the human race, you would also come down on those who react on 'gut instinct' and making decisions because it 'feels right'. We are not cold calculated products of science, so many things we do are out of instinct and cannot be explained. why do people do random acts of bravery when the odds on survival are low?
We are not all the same and some people choose to believe that there is a God, some believe that we descended from Apes, and there's the big bang theory. Of course none of us are any the wiser, yet only the God theory seems to attract derision and snide remarks.
If you equate believing in God as being as reasonable as believing in the Tooth Fairy then happy days, you can bask in the perceived idiocy of Catholics and every other religion, if not then thats fine also.
some believe that we descended from Apes, and there's the big bang theory.

I, like many people, accept the evidence that apes and humans are descended from a common ancestor (not that we are descended from apes) but if some other theory is proposed that is backed up with more convincing had data then I’ll change my mind.
The big bang theory is a different matter as I don’t understand the physics behind it but I do accept the work of the many thousands of scientists who support the theory because they understand it and the rationale behind it.

Both are theories, based on evidence. Neither are proposed as universal truths without any scientific evidence to back them up.