Departing tenant seeking rent refund as last rent review done by text!

Lots of fines on landlords for not obeying the law. No fines imposed on tenants who break the law. The tenant in this case was looking for €5,000 compensation for the invalid eviction. Well worth chancing his arm. The RTB might have awarded it to him, the eviction was invalid, and there was no possibility of him being sanctioned for his dishonest behaviour.

Reading the tribunal reports on the RTB website is an eye opener - you regularly come across clearly misbehaving tenants taking cases based on a technical flaw in the procedures used by the landlord.
No it wasnt. There's a procedure to be followed & you didn't do that.

And your tenant is now cheerfully exploiting your lack of knowledge.

I personally don't think you'll get anywhere with RTB.

If they are leaving anyway, I'd thank your lucky stars & sell.
I'd second that. It is up to the landlord to stay up to date on the law. RTB site is there for everyone to read.
Did you not have a contract in place with the tenant? Would this whole situation have been avoided (or at least flagged a couple of years ago) if that had been in place?
Is this not one?

As I am very busy today it is not possible for me to go back over the RTB decisions. If you would like to look here is the link.
You're not familiar with the RTB if you think the RTB decisions is a reliable source of information. You don't to have "find" anything.

"Dublin landlord ordered to pay almost €12,000 to tenant after overcharging in rent pressure zone"
I should have posted this bit...

"case of landlord hiking rent 90 per cent higher just one of 306 disputes lodged last year concerning rent reviews not being in line with rent pressure zones"